What happens to your body if you don’t eat anything for 3 days

In today’s world, there are so many different ways to get rid of excess weight, to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. One of them is fasting. Of course, you need to start gradually, and certainly do not leave the unprepared body without food for three days at once. In our material we will tell you about the personal experience of fitness blogger Arseny Kim and what happens to the body if you spend two days on water, and one day without food and water at all.

Day One (20 hours without food)

If your job involves continuous computer use, it is recommended to take breaks every hour. A change of scenery is also very important. You should not stay at home all day during the fasting period. You can go outside and get some fresh air. But physical exercise should be postponed. The body at this time is already weakened, sports will not lead to anything good.

A day without food

You can drink the last glass of water. Now comes the second day – a complete absence of food and water. It is important to go to bed not very late, not loading yourself with anything before going to bed. Reading, meditation are the best options for entertainment.

32 hours without food, 8 without water

Sleep is slightly disrupted. Less sleep is required during fasting than on normal days. Mouth feels a little dry. This is normal, considering that the body has spent eight hours without water or food.

38 hours without food, 14 without water

You may want to sleep a little longer because of the early wake-up call. There’s nothing wrong with that. What changes during fasting? Your heart rate becomes faster, your mouth gets a little dry, you feel lazy. Visually, no changes are observed.

48 hours without food, 24 without water

Feeling average. Very much dry mouth, white lips. Any physical activity is difficult. Condition improves after yoga and meditation.

62 hours without food, 38 without water

This is the third day of fasting. Feelings leave much to be desired. Sleep can also be very jerky, sometimes sleep paralysis can be observed – a very unpleasant and scary thing. On the third day of complete fasting there is no strength left at all. It is impossible even to do yoga or meditation. But the changes are already clearly visible: excess weight goes away, the body becomes “dry”. Strangely enough, I don’t even feel like eating. Apparently, for two days the organism has already weaned itself from food. After two glasses of water, I feel slightly better. It is obvious that starvation is much easier if a person is moving, doing something. Starving while lying on the couch is very difficult.

Three days without food

Feelings can not be called excellent, rather normal. For three days of fasting you will have to experience physical malaise, weakness. You will not feel any super energy. It is much easier and more convenient to fast one day several times a month.

Exit from fasting

It is worth noting that abruptly start eating a lot – it is not worth it. One of the options – freshly squeezed juice. During fasting, taste buds are so aggravated that any drink becomes unrealistically delicious and super-concentrated. It is desirable to eat fully after sleep, that is, in the morning, so as not to immediately burden the body.

Important: if you also decide to temporarily give up food, consult a specialist beforehand. And it is desirable not to make a schedule of fasting on your own. Still, three days without food is not the best solution for an unprepared person.

You can learn more about this experiment in Arseny’s video.

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