What is the right way to gain weight? Tips from a nutritionist

Probably each of us at least once in our life wanted to lose a little weight. But have you ever faced the problem of gaining weight? It sounds fantastic, but some people are underweight. They can eat 10 donuts, 5 hamburgers, and a couple packages of fries a night and not gain weight at all. Together with a nutritionist och näringsfysiolog, we found out whether underweight is so dangerous and what to do to add at least a few pounds.

Myla Mykytyuk

nutritionist, nutritionist

Gaining weight is a more complicated and longer process than losing weight. We need to consume more protein throughout the day. This is the building material for our muscles, if we want to gain not just fat, but muscle mass, so that the body is healthy and beautiful.

What to eat to gain weight?

Many people believe that in order to gain weight, you need to eat whatever you want, at any time of the day or night, do not count calories at all and sleep more often. This method is often ineffective. According to experts, you need to eat more protein.

They made a list of products with the highest protein content (per 100 g of product):

  • Poultry meat – from 17 to 22 g;
  • Meat – from 15 to 20 g;
  • Fish – 14 to 20 g;
  • Seafood – from 15 to 18 g;
  • Legumes – 20 to 25 g;
  • Nuts – 15 to 30 g;
  • Eggs – 12 g;
  • Hard cheese – 25 to 27 g;
  • Cottage cheese – 14 to 18 g;
  • Cereals – 8 to 12 g.

In addition, there are many protein salads, which will suit you in the heat, when you do not want to eat, or will be your snack at work or study.

But diet alone is not enough. Even when gaining weight, you need to exercise. Only thanks to them your body will be taut and without fat deposits in unwanted places. You need to add physical activity, so the process will go faster and more effectively. When losing weight you can manage without them, but when gaining weight it is necessary.

Is a deficit of body weight always dangerous?

Often slim girls hear in their address that they urgently need to gain weight, otherwise it will certainly lead to anorexia. Of course, this syndrome occurs, but it is characterized by other symptoms besides weight loss:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • weakness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • loss of appetite;
  • panic attacks;
  • dieting;
  • inadequate perception of one’s weight.
Myla Mykytyuk

nutritionist, nutritionist

Underweight is dangerous with the appearance of various deficiencies in the body. It needs resources all the time, but if a person is underweight, it will waste the resources of the person himself. Accordingly, there will be a loss of muscle mass, which will lead to anorexia.

To be sure that your weight is within the normal range, it is necessary to calculate the body mass index. To find out, you need to divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. You can use special calculators that also take into account age.

For how long can you gain weight and what is the danger of a sharp jump?

It should be remembered that everyone’s body is different, but the minimum period for gaining weight is 3 months. Moreover, our body is more complex than it seems, so it is important to do everything carefully and consistently. When losing weight, you should not use extreme diets that involve refusing to eat for a long period of time, because this is a direct path to various diseases of internal organs.

The same applies to weight gain – do not try to get better by 10 kg in a week or start eating foods that you have never eaten in large quantities.

Myla Mykytyuk

nutritionist, nutritionist

Sudden jumps are always dangerous. You can not abruptly gain weight, lose weight, stop eating some products, and you need to gradually reduce their quantity and concentration. For the body it is a stress, it will try to survive. It always strives for balance, so it will compensate for something. My advice is that everything that concerns the body should be done smoothly and consistently.

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