What is the right way to play snowballs? 7 important rules you may not have known about

What is the right way to play snowballs? 7 important rules you may not have known about

What is the right way to play snowballs?

Follow them to make the fun not only fun, but also healthy.

Simple and clear winter game of snowballs is a favorite of all generations. It does not require additional equipment, a cleared area, or physical skills. Only if the snow was sticky and in sufficient quantity. In addition, it helps to get a charge of good mood and make friends with other participants of the “snowball fight”. That’s why the game is so popular all over the world where it snows. It is also great as an additional activity on vacation.

Despite all the simplicity, children’s fun can cause unpleasant consequences, and participants may need medical attention. Compliance with the recommendations of the doctor will not mar your entertainment, and you will stay in the holidays only with positive emotions.

Anastasia Timoshchenko

general practitioner

The game of snowballs – one of the most favorite winter fun for both children and adults. This game is very useful, because it is quite mobile, takes place in the fresh air and provides a good physical exercise. That is extremely relevant during the New Year holidays. However, even harmless entertainment can become a cause of hypothermia and injuries in case of non-compliance with the rules. In order for the game of snowballs to bring pleasure and benefit to the body, it is necessary to observe safety precautions.

The place to play should be free and spacious

The game should be played on specially designated areas. For example, on a snow-covered sports field, away from passers-by, roads and buildings. If there are no sports fields nearby, use any safe open space to play.

There should be only snow in the “snowballs”

The “snowball” to be thrown must not contain spiky ice flakes. Do not douse prepared snowballs specifically with water, thereby coating them with an ice crust. Ice can cause injury or scratch the skin.

Do not throw snow in the face

When throwing, do not aim for the face or neck area. Snow can get caught behind the collar of your clothing and cause hypothermia. In addition, such actions are very unpleasant in every sense.

Wear the right clothing

Clothing for playing snowballs should be waterproof, comfortable, provide maximum mobility. Excellent suits from membrane. You can put on a fleece second layer.

Protect your hands

Always wear mittens or gloves. They should be waterproof. After the game it is advisable to change them for another, dry pair. Hands should be protected from the effects of cold, wind and snow. So you will save the skin from negative effects and consequences in the form of cracks and redness.

Watch the strength of the throw

If “snowballs” are played by children and adults, the latter need to calculate the strength of the throw. Do not forget to take into account the physical superiority of the child.

Time the game

The game can fascinate all participants. But do not forget that it takes place in winter conditions. If you stay out in the cold too long, you can catch a cold. In case of the first signs of hypothermia it is necessary to warm up in a warm room, drink hot tea.

If after the game you decide to go to a cafe to warm up, we have compiled a selection of useful drinks for this case. Look for them at the link.
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