Which is better – an exercise bike or a treadmill? Let’s find out together with an expert

Treadmill or exercise bike? Everyone can face this choice when they come to the gym. Both machines provide aerobic exercise, i.e. they help to speed up the heart rate and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. But what is the difference and which one to choose? Find the answer to the question with an expert.

Marina Plekhanova

Dean of the College of Fitness.

“The exercise bike and the treadmill have their own features, advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two depends on your individual preferences, fitness and training goals. You need to consider all factors when choosing and don’t forget about the possibility of combining workouts on both machines to maximize results.”

Treadmill: pros and cons

A treadmill is a cardio machine that simulates running outdoors, but allows you to train all year round in a comfortable indoor environment. Its use will improve physical fitness, and if desired, the equipment can be installed at home.


  1. The whole body is involved in the movement. When running on the track, the movement involves the whole body. Legs are actively working, providing movement, gluteal muscles and thighs are loaded. The abdominal muscles maintain balance and stability. The body moves and the arms and shoulders are also actively involved, providing additional support and stability.
  2. Load control. You can customize the speed, incline and duration of your workout on the treadmill, allowing you to control the intensity of your exercise.
  3. Natural Motion Simulation. Running on the treadmill mimics the natural motion of running on open terrain. This allows you to maintain natural biomechanics.
  4. Variety and efficiency. On a treadmill, you can not only run, but also walk at a brisk pace, climb uphill (using the incline function). This allows you to make training more diverse and interesting.


  1. Limited variability of movements. Running on the track does not allow you to diversify training, as you can do on the street. You will not be able to sharply accelerate and decelerate, from the usual running to move to a side-step or multi-skips.
  2. Monotony. Long workouts on a treadmill can become boring, which will affect the motivation to exercise.
  3. Takes up a lot of space. A treadmill is larger in size compared to an exercise bike. It requires a large space for use, which makes it inconvenient for installation in apartments or small gyms.
  4. High cost. A quality treadmill can cost quite expensive, especially if it has various functions and training programs. Exercise bikes, in turn, are available in different price categories, which allows you to choose a suitable model in accordance with the budget.
  5. High level of stress on the joints. When running, each step is accompanied by a blow against the surface, which can lead to damage to the knees and ankles. People with joint problems are recommended to choose other cardio machines. However, many modern tracks are equipped with shock absorption and with proper running technique will not cause much harm.


People with cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, varicose veins) should consult a doctor before starting classes on a treadmill. In this case, it is better to try a step, then accelerate, performing everything under the supervision of a personal trainer. People with varicose veins are better to choose a horizontal exercise bike, so as not to aggravate the condition.

It is also advisable to avoid the treadmill if you have joint diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis, and respiratory system disorders. Treadmill running can cause problems for people who suffer from asthma or chronic obstructive bronchitis. Before you start exercising, you should consult your doctor and choose the best intensity of the workout.

What is the right way to exercise on a treadmill?

Before starting training, it is necessary to check that the treadmill is in good condition: the running surface is clean and dry, the simulator does not wobble, it is securely fastened. Exercise always starts with a warm-up: slow jogging or walking at low speed to warm up the muscles and joints. You can then increase the speed and intensity of the exercise.

To get the maximum benefit from training, it is necessary to properly set up and use the treadmill. Depending on the company and model there are different parameters, but there are always invariable – it is the speed and inclination of the canvas. It is important to remember that both of these parameters should correspond to your physical fitness. Abruptly changing them can also be harmful, increase the load smoothly. Most tracks have the option to select a workout mode. These are pre-programmed load options, study them and use the appropriate one.

Exercise bike: pros and cons

The appearance and functionality of the simulator is clear from the name: it imitates riding a bicycle. In the design there are pedals, seat and handlebars, equipped with a display. It displays the information necessary for quality training – calorie consumption, heart rate, load level and speed. Because of the great popularity and high efficiency of the exercise bike, they even created a separate type of training, where only it is used. Such fitness is called saikling, or saikle.

These devices come in vertical and horizontal, electronic and mechanical. They can be the simplest and with numerous additional functions: heart rate sensors, calories and so on.


  1. Safety. Unlike a treadmill, on an exercise bike there is no risk of falling or injury in case of an unfortunate step or too high speed. With its stable design and ability to adjust the load, an exercise bike is ideal for people who fear getting injured while exercising.
  2. Ease of use. Exercise bikes have simple and intuitive controls, making them convenient for any level of fitness. You can adjust the intensity of your workout depending on your goals and fitness. You can choose the necessary load, the level of resistance, as on a bicycle – the more you put the number, the harder and more difficult it will be to pedal.
  3. Load on the muscles. The device allows you to evenly load all muscle groups of the lower body – gluteal, calf and thigh muscles. At the same time, the joints do not experience excessive pressure, which is especially important for people with musculoskeletal problems or injuries. This makes the exercise bike suitable for trainees of different ages and fitness levels. People with varicose veins and overweight people are best suited to the horizontal version.


  1. Lack of movement of the muscles of the upper torso. The sitting position does not allow you to perform active arm movements, which limits the involvement of the upper body in the training process.
  2. Compared to a treadmill, an exercise bike does not require the active participation of stabilizer muscles to maintain balance.
  3. Monotony. Prolonged exercise can seem monotonous, which can make you lose the desire to train.
  4. When riding an exercise bike for long periods of time, back strain may occur due to an uncomfortable posture or improper adjustment of the equipment. If the exercise bike with a backrest and the body does not lean forward, the back is not overstretched.


The most important contraindications are diseases of the cardiovascular system. If there are problems with the heart, such as arrhythmia, angina or hypertension, you should consult a doctor and get his permission before starting exercise on the exercise bike. It is worthwhile to exercise under the supervision of a personal trainer.

Also approach training with caution and after consultation with a specialist should be in case of joint disease – primarily knee and hip.

How to train on an exercise bike?

Before you start training, you need to set it up correctly. Here are a few steps that will help you do this.

  1. Adjusting the seat height. First, set the seat so that your leg is completely straight at the bottom of the pedal stroke. At the same time, your knee should be slightly bent. If your leg is completely straight or bent severely, the seat height must be adjusted.
  2. Adjusting the distance to the handlebar. The correct distance between the seat and the handlebars will help you maintain the correct body position during your workout. The distance should be such that you can easily reach the handlebars without straining your neck and shoulders.
  3. Load Level Adjustment. An exercise bike usually has a load level control that allows you to increase or decrease the resistance when pedaling. Start with a low load level and gradually increase it as your fitness improves.
  4. Check the quality of the seat and pedals. Make sure that the seat and pedals are secure and do not wobble. This will help avoid injuries and ensure comfort during your workout.

Modern exercise bikes and treadmills are equipped with computers that allow you to control the main parameters of training – time, distance, speed, heart rate and further down the list. This makes it easy to track your results and progress, as well as customize your workout to your needs. So hurry up and decide on a machine and start exercising.

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