Why does hair start graying too early? Trichologist reveals the main reasons

Elena Bogotova

cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, trichologist

The appearance of gray hair is due to the body’s natural aging process. Hair contains melanin, the pigment material that gives it its color. The substance is produced by special cells called melanocytes, which are located in the hair follicles. As we age, their number and activity may decrease. New strands become lighter or grayer.

What are the causes of gray hair

Graying can occur not only with age, but also due to other factors such as genetic predisposition, stress, environmental exposure or certain diseases.

One of the main causes of early graying is genetic predisposition. If your parents or close relatives started graying early, there is a chance that you too will turn gray before middle age. Heredity determines the rate at which melanocyte activity and melanin production decrease, which can lead to premature graying.

In addition, certain medical conditions such as focal alopecia (an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks hair follicles) or vitiligo (a disease in which pigment cells are destroyed) can lead to premature graying in children.

How to prevent gray hair

There is currently no known way to completely prevent gray hair, as it is a natural process that can only be slowed down.

Healthy Lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle promotes healthy hair and skin. This includes eating a healthy diet, consuming enough vitamins and minerals, exercising regularly, and managing stress.

Protection from ultraviolet radiation. Increased exposure to ultraviolet rays negatively affects the condition of hair and skin. Therefore, it is important to use sunscreen and wear hats.

Stress management. Has a negative impact on the body and can be linked to the early appearance of gray hair. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, meditation or physical activity helps to strengthen hair.

Smoking cessation. Studies have linked smoking to the premature appearance of gray hair. Therefore, quitting the habit can have a positive impact on hair and skin health.

It is important to realize that these factors are not a guarantee to prevent gray hair, but can contribute to overall health and good hair health.

In which cases it is necessary to consult a doctor

Deficiencies of certain elements such as copper, iron, zinc and others are also potentially linked to the appearance of gray hair.

Copper — Plays an important role in the formation of melanin, the pigment material responsible for hair color. A copper deficiency can lead to impaired melanin production and result in hair color changes. However, a direct link between copper deficiency and the appearance of gray hair requires further research.

Iron. Essential for healthy hair growth and maintenance of hair pigmentation. Iron deficiency contributes to the deterioration of pigmentation.

Zinc. Involved in the formation and synthesis of melanin. Zinc deficiency can lead to decreased pigment production, contributing to gray hair.

It is important to note that deficiencies of these elements can be one of the many causes of gray hair, and they are not the only factors that determine this process. It is important to see a doctor or nutritionist to evaluate your condition and determine appropriate action, such as making dietary changes or taking supplements, if necessary.

In addition to copper, iron and zinc, there are other elements that can trigger the appearance of gray hair.

Some of these include:

Vitamin B12. Its deficiency can be linked to accelerated aging and early graying. Vitamin B12 is essential for the healthy formation of red blood cells and ensuring normal nervous system function, including hair health.

Vitamin D. Can also affect the premature appearance of gray hair. Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining healthy hair and skin.

Antioxidants. Such as vitamin C and vitamin E protect the body from free radicals that damage cells and contribute to premature aging. Gray hair can be linked to oxidative stress, so eating foods rich in antioxidants can remedy the situation.

Selenium. A mineral important for healthy hair and skin. Selenium deficiency can be linked to changes in hair color and accelerated aging.

It is important to remember that the effects of these elements on the appearance of gray hair can vary depending on individual factors and genetic predisposition.

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