The candidate of medical sciences told what are the dangers of age spots

Dmitry Bulanov

Head of the pathomorphologic laboratory of LabQuest, Ph.

“Often pigment spots on the facial skin are considered only a cosmetic defect, which can be disguised with cosmetics or ignored altogether. However, such skin formations should be paid attention to by everyone, especially the elderly. I will tell you about their real danger.

What are age spots

Age spots are flat, round, darker-colored patches of skin. They appear as a result of aging, insolation of the skin, hormonal changes in the body, taking certain medications, use of cosmetics.

Large pigmented formations on the skin of the face are found in both men and women. The first to draw attention to their possible malignant nature and first described in 1892 British dermatopathologist Jonathan Hutchinson – that’s why malignant lentigo is called “melanotic freckles Hutchinson”.

Pigmentation on the face is most common in older people between the ages of 55-60 and those who spend a lot of time in the sun. Melanocytes – cells that produce melanin – are responsible for their appearance.

This substance is able to absorb and scatter UV rays, preventing them from penetrating deep into the skin and damaging the DNA of cells – for this reason, melanocytes begin to produce melanin when exposed to the sun. It is thanks to the work of these cells on our skin appears a beautiful tan.

Signs of pigmentation disorders

The above-mentioned melanocytes are not always evenly distributed in the skin. In addition, their activity in different parts of the skin can be heterogeneous. This can be influenced by genetic predisposition, hormonal factors and age-related changes.

In other words, skin pigmentation, especially in the elderly – in many cases, a normal phenomenon, so visually they sometimes do not cause suspicion neither the patient himself, and sometimes not the doctor.

Nevertheless, pigmented spots on the face always require constant attention – if certain signs appear, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist. Worry should increase the size of the formation, change its color, darkening, uneven pigmentation, change its contours.

The most formidable sign is the appearance of ulceration on the surface of the formation, which most often indicates malignant transformation.

What diseases can hide

Part of the hidden behind such spots of neoplasms – actinic keratosis, which is categorized as precancerous diseases that can later transform into squamous cell skin cancer.

Actinic keratosis is the most common precancerous condition that forms as a result of chronic exposure to UV rays or tanning beds. For this reason, pigmented spots should be paid attention to not only the elderly, but also fans of “sunbathing” at any time of the year, not only on the face, but also on the exposed skin areas, which are also subject to insolation by UV spectrum.

Behind pigmented skin formations in older people hides another threat – the development of melanoma of the skin. This is one of the most dangerous malignant skin tumors among all known – it is capable of rapid progression, often recurring and gives metastases to virtually all organs, if there are signs of invasive growth in the skin.

Often behind seemingly harmless pigment spots can hide an early form of melanoma of the skin. Scientifically, this variant of tumor structure is called melanoma in situ, i.e. “in situ” – melanoma can exist in this form for a very long time, but, like Chekhov’s gun, it can “shoot”. And most often the trigger is “pressed” by UV radiation – under its influence, a non-invasive form of melanoma can be transformed into an invasive one.


Taking into account age and a decrease in antitumor immunity, the risk of developing malignant skin tumors on exposed areas in the elderly is significantly higher than in younger patients. That is why it is very important to pay attention to the presence of large pigment spots on the face in the elderly and timely contact a dermatologist or oncodermatologist for diagnosis. Especially when they change their shape, size and color.

Determine the true nature of the pigmented formation can dermatoscopy, or histologic examination. It is carried out in two ways – if the formation is small, it is excised completely, and in the case of large spots to analyze a small area with a panch biopsy.

The doctor should always understand – early diagnosis and dynamic monitoring of the patient is incredibly important. If there is a suspicion of a malignant tumor, it is absolutely necessary to perform a histological study. If the presence of oncology is confirmed, the patient is left with the option of surgical treatment with possible replacement of the defect with plastic surgery.

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