The doctor named 10 foods that are good for the heart and blood vessels

Ekaterina Kurbatova

physician, expert of Arimed telemedicine consultation portal

There are many methods to maintain cardiovascular health. These are sports, avoiding bad habits, exercise, and proper nutrition. It is important to know what you need to include in your diet, and what is better to give up.

Useful products for the heart and blood vessels

Your menu should consist mainly of plant food. Why? It is rich in antioxidants and essential vitamins that are good for the cardiovascular system. Most of them are quite affordable.

1. Fish

It is essential to choose fatty varieties of fish. These include salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovy and tuna. They are famous for their high omega-3 content. These polyunsaturated fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the body and improve tissue nutrition. They also prevent the development of atherosclerosis and ischemia. By the way, the fish diet is popular among Japanese long-livers. A pleasant bonus will be the smoothing of wrinkles!

How much fish should I eat per day? Doctor’s answer HERE.

2. Fruits and berries

Apples, pears, apricots, plums and all dark colored berries are good for the heart and blood vessels. For example, blueberries, cherries, blueberries. These products are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that nourish the heart muscle, prevent ischemia, reduce cholesterol. Which means they prevent blood clots from forming. Potassium, magnesium and vitamin C help with anti-inflammatory processes, also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. By including them in your diet, you will also increase hemoglobin levels in the blood.

3. nuts

Pay attention to walnuts, almonds, pistachios and peanuts. By consuming them on a regular basis, you will minimize your risk of heart attack by 50%. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, and other nutrients that are beneficial to blood vessels. They reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and strengthen the immune system. The chemical composition of most nuts includes the amino acid arginine. This is not only an aphrodisiac, but also a “medicine” for blood vessels.

4. Garlic

Contains more than 70 trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the heart. They also relax the walls of blood vessels, help blood circulation, strengthen the heart muscle. It is especially beneficial for those who suffer from arrhythmia.

5. Oatmeal porridge

It is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin E, amino acids and antioxidants. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which reduces the level of total and “bad” cholesterol in the blood and even breaks down its deposits. Your blood vessels will gain elasticity. It is best to give preference to whole grain cereals rather than instant porridge.

6. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is full of vitamins and minerals that promote proper blood circulation. They also eliminate “bad” cholesterol. The composition of the fruit includes pectin, which serves as a preventive against atherosclerosis. This is the rare case when the product is allowed to be consumed in the form of juice. If you drink it before bedtime, you will not have problems with falling asleep, and the nervous system will be restored. Pumpkin will help to reduce the manifestation of angina pectoris and normalize heartbeat.

7. Vegetable oils

If you have heart disease, then from the diet you need to exclude animal fats. They can be replaced by vegetable oils. Olive is rich in vitamin E, which prevents thrombosis of blood vessels. Today in access there are such types as sesame, flaxseed, pumpkin. Remember that the daily norm is one to two tablespoons.

8. Avocado

Speaking of the importance of monounsaturated fats for the heart, you can not pass by avocado. This fruit in the diet will be an excellent prevention of thrombosis. With regular consumption due to antioxidants, aging is slowed down. In the composition there is potassium, which is very important for the work of the heart. It helps to supply oxygen to the brain, is involved in muscle contraction and ensures the stability of blood pressure. Lack of this mineral will be reflected in the functioning of the body. Weakness, cramps, muscle pain and arrhythmia will appear.

9. Beans

This genus of legumes regulates blood sugar levels and favorably affects the heart muscle. Beans have soluble and insoluble fiber in their composition. The first helps to remove bile from the body, containing cholesterol. The second is useful for people suffering from digestive disorders. Consumption of this product is useful for the prevention of coronary heart disease. There is a lot of folic acid in the composition. It reduces the level of homocysteine. As a result, there is no risk of heart attack, stroke or peripheral vascular disease.

10. Olives and olives

Olives and olives help to make the walls of blood vessels more elastic. The healthy fats in the composition are responsible for this. Fruits are rich in vitamin E and unsaturated acids. This means that blood pressure and the level of “bad” cholesterol will be normal. Phenolic compounds fight against the formation of blood clots.

Why is fatty food harmful to the heart and blood vessels? Tells the doctor-cardiologist on the link.

What is worth giving up?

Some products have an undesirable effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels. As a rule, they contain a lot of cholesterol. These include:

1. Pizza and hamburgers

Many people know about the harm of hamburgers. They are extremely dangerous for the heart. Why? The combination of saturated fat and carbohydrates. The same applies to pizza. In addition, there is sodium and sugar (in the sauce).

2. Chips

This product can cause serious heart disease. It’s all about acrylamide. The harmful substance is formed when frying. It remains in the blood, which significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular pathologies.

3. Smoked meats

Processed meat or fish consists largely of saturated fats and a large amount of salt. A 100 g serving contains half of the daily dose of sodium. Frequent consumption of smoked meat leads to an increase in blood pressure. By the way, this product is more harmful than sausage.

4. Carbonated drinks

Sugar is the key ingredient in all carbonated drinks, even if the manufacturer indicates that it is a dietary analog. The artificial sweetener aspartame is also harmful. It has been proven that a person begins to consume even more calories after just one drink. And this is fraught with obesity and heart pathologies.

5. Sweets

Sweets and bakery products have too much sugar. In addition, they are made with saturated fats. It is these two ingredients that ruin the heart and blood vessels.

6. French fries

French fries contribute to the rapid development of cardiovascular disease. Trans fats are to blame. They increase the level of “bad” cholesterol, contribute to the formation of blood clots and the development of atherosclerosis.

7. Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages contribute to an increase in heart rate and slow down the flow of oxygen to the tissues. This is fraught with high blood pressure, arrhythmia and even cardiomyopathy. It is especially not recommended to consume alcohol for people with chronic heart disease. In particular, in the presence of ischemia. All ethanol-containing drinks have a toxic effect on the myocardium and dilate peripheral vessels.

Remember that diet plays an important role in maintaining heart and vascular health. A balanced diet and observance of healthy lifestyle reduce the likelihood of serious diseases and improve the overall condition of the body.

What makes the heart age? The doctor named 5 possible reasons and told how to avoid it, in the material.
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