The doctor named 6 symptoms that require consultation with an endocrinologist. Check yourself

In 2023, Natalia Mokrysheva, director of the Federal State Budget Institution “National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology” of the Russian Ministry of Health, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, reported that almost half of Russians have some endocrine disease.
Inga Sakeyan

Endocrinologist and nutritionist, assistant of the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at St. Petersburg State University, blogger

“The endocrine system is responsible for the production of hormones that regulate the functioning of internal organs. That is why disorders in its work can affect the condition of the entire body. Of course, such ailments require timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment. I will tell you about the causes, symptoms and prevention of endocrine diseases”.

What we will tell about

Symptoms that require consultation with an endocrinologist

The most striking signs of the presence of an endocrine disease are:

  1. Unsubstantiated increase or decrease in weight, its fluctuations.
  2. Loss or increase in appetite.
  3. Increased thirst, especially coupled with loss of appetite, nausea, frequent urination – signs of diabetes manifestation.
  4. Change in general well-being: weakness, fatigue, rapid fatigue.
  5. Changes in mood and libido.
  6. Fainting spells.

Any of these alarm bells requires prompt medical attention.

There are a number of other symptoms that should be paid attention to, as they, too, can be due to endocrine problems. Among them are changes in pulse and blood pressure, urinary frequency, as well as various skin manifestations: hyperemia (increased blood flow to organs or tissues), redness of the shins or darkening of the skin in the armpits, elbows and neck folds. In these situations, an examination by a specialist is recommended.

Polyuria (frequent copious urination), polydipsia (intense thirst) and weight loss may be signs of diabetes mellitus, caused by a significant increase in blood glucose levels. These symptoms are most prominent in type I diabetes due to a catastrophic deficiency of insulin, which is necessary for the body to metabolize glucose.

In the absence of adequate insulin levels, glucose cannot be utilized as an energy source, leading to starvation, activation of compensatory mechanisms, and formation of ketone bodies, including acetone.

These ketones are formed as an alternative source of energy, especially for the brain, which responds quickly to its deficiency. An increase in the level of ketone bodies in the blood causes symptoms such as an increase in blood osmolarity (the amount of pressure of dissolved particles), which leads to increased thirst and thus more frequent urination.

As the body uses alternative energy sources due to the lack of available glucose, weight loss occurs. In addition, against the background of this process, a person may experience nausea, which prevents the normal intake of food, intensifying the process of weight loss.

In a separate group of symptoms can be attributed weakness, swelling, constipation, weight gain, lethargy, a feeling of cold and apathy. These manifestations can be explained by the slowing down of digestive and metabolic processes in tissues. Deficiency of thyroxine, the main hormone produced by the thyroid gland, leads to a slowing down of all body functions, which causes the described symptoms.

However, the response to this deficiency can be individualized: in some people, hypothyroidism may show up in lab tests despite having no health complaints, while in others even a slight decrease in hormone levels can cause a full range of symptoms due to individual sensitivity. Apathy and depression can also result from hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency), caused by a decrease in thyroid hormone production.

How to be seen by an endocrinologist

Many issues in endocrinology can be solved based only on the patient’s complaints, i.e. even personal presence at the appointment is not always required. This may explain the effectiveness of online consultations and telemedicine. However, an examination is still important for a full examination, especially if a person has any of the symptoms described above.

The examination always begins with a conversation. The specialist finds out the reason for the application, asks to tell about everything that bothers the patient, studies the anamnesis and detailed medical history. After obtaining all the necessary data, the focus of attention shifts to the current symptoms, their development and possible causes.

Next, so-called vital signs are measured: blood pressure and pulse, weight, height, waist and hip circumference. This is necessary to detect abnormalities, such as obesity.

The endocrinologist probes the thyroid gland and breast glands, examines the condition of the skin and hair. If necessary, additional methods of research may be prescribed, such as ultrasound. All in a row such a procedure is not appointed, for the use of imaging methods there must be good reasons.

Causes of endocrine diseases

An important role in the occurrence of endocrine diseases is played by genetic mutations. Under certain conditions, including due to environmental influences, genes with a breakdown can manifest themselves in the form of ailments.

For example, thyroid diseases can be caused by both genetic predisposition and external factors. So, people living in iodine-deficient territory are more susceptible to nodular formations.

The same can be said about type II diabetes mellitus. The disease is based on genetics, combined with incorrect nutrition, lack of physical activity and, as a consequence, weight gain. As a result, these factors allow the genetic predisposition to be realized.

Sometimes the cause of endocrine diseases are infections. Example – subacute thyroiditis – a viral inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland. However, this is rather rare, and the most common causes include improper lifestyle, poor nutrition and genetic predisposition.

Prevention of endocrine diseases

Prevention of endocrine diseases is based on controlling risk factors and a healthy lifestyle.

  • Try to maintain a healthy weight, eat right and do not forget about regular physical activity. Remember that excessive or prolonged stress and bad habits have a negative impact on the endocrine system.
  • Pay attention to your family history. For example, if your parent has diabetes, it is recommended to start monitoring your health as early as possible to detect any changes in time. There are various genetic studies, through which you can also get information about predispositions and risks of the disease.
  • Visit your doctor for preventive check-ups and monitoring of tests – early detection of problems and timely treatment are very important. There is a minimum list of tests to monitor health indicators: general blood tests, TSH for women and PSA for men from a certain age. Additional tests may be recommended depending on the specific situation.

If alarming symptoms have already appeared, do not delay a visit to a specialist.

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