“The first start is like the first baby. Make it neat.” Tukituk on triathlon

“Championship” together with IRONSTAR, the leading organizer of triathlon starts in Russia, launched a special project #226 questions.

This is the first YouTube show about triathlon in Russia. Famous athletes, bloggers, politicians, businessmen and just people with unusual stories become the heroes of our episodes. On the eve of the main start of the IRONSTAR 226 season in Sochi, we decided to introduce them to you by asking our studio guests 226 questions. The hero of the second issue was blogger and triathlete Anastasia Tukmacheva.

– How do your colleagues from the blogging community treat your passion for triathlon?

– Most of the bloggers I know are quite far from sports. Well, at most it’s the gym. Naturally, there are still all sorts of idiotic jokes about cycling shorts and hoofing it, I can’t listen to that anymore. But I don’t like doing what everyone else is doing.

I need to stand out. Any phytonyasha can take a picture in the mirror, it doesn’t take much intelligence.

But to achieve something, to overcome yourself, to give an example to people, to light up the goal – it’s cool.

– You have already participated in several starts. One of the most difficult – 113 km (1.93 km – swimming, 90 km – cycling and 21.1 km – running). What insights has your “soulmate” given you?

– For some reason I thought I was a very weak girl all my life. I was always breaking my fingers at basketball, falling off the rope, I couldn’t climb anywhere. When I started training, I began to realize that people are surprised by the figures of 60 km on a bicycle. Everyone says something like, “How much? Oh, I’m twenty.” To me, it’s like a bug sneezed.

The first half, like any first global start for you, is the distance you just have to go. It’s almost like having your first baby. You have to do everything very carefully, because you don’t know yet at what point you can push yourself so you don’t die before the start.

I’ve seen people fall down 3 km before the finish line and couldn’t even walk any further.

– What are the conditions for you to make your perfect start?

– It’s the rain. I was wildly lucky at the Olympics. We were running and it was drizzling rain. It was a fabulous gift considering it was 30-degree heat the day before. It was just as lucky in Kazan. It was scorching hot, hot concrete embankment, and you run. You run from point to point. About five kilometers before the end of the distance, it rained, and I finished with my arms outstretched.

– Many scientists, with a huge amount of research, say that the fastest ways to get endorphins are exercise and sex. In your opinion, which should be more frequent?

– Everything should be… every day(laughs). Although, to be honest, after those workouts, sometimes you don’t have the energy to do anything else because you really give a lot. I think everything has to go together.

– Any advice for beginners before their first start?

– Believe in yourself and don’t skip training. Those are the two main points. Any triathlon, whatever goal you set for yourself, whether it’s a sprint, an Olympic, a half, a full, is a huge goal that’s made up of little bricks. You don’t have to think about those numbers. You train your heart every day, you train your body every day. The gradual training process makes that goal real for you. Day by day you’re getting stronger, you’re getting more endurance, so just do it step by step.

For the full interview and helpful lifehacks from the trainer , check out the full show.

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