12 quick actions to instantly lift your spirits

12 quick actions to instantly lift your spirits

November 10, 2022, 15:45 MSC

How not to succumb to depression and bad moods

Defeating grayness and gloom is easy if you listen to your body.

November is traditionally considered the grayest and dullest month of the year (for those who live in Russia, of course). It is in such weather that it is easiest to succumb to depressive moods, but if you follow these simple tips, you can stay cheerful and full of energy.

Anna Granovskaya

psychologist, coach

Psychological balance is important for a person. Every day he experiences stress, which exhausts internal resources. After that, time is needed for recovery. If this does not happen, a person spends his resources without proper recovery, psychological exhaustion occurs.

Accordingly, to prevent it, it is necessary to be able to relax at the psychological and physical levels, to increase stress resistance, to learn to simply enjoy elementary things: a new day, a delicious coffee. Track what fills with energy, and what, on the contrary, takes away strength. Practice breathing techniques to replenish energy, meditate, relax in nature.

Take a vacation from work, change the environment. It is also important to review the environment. Perhaps there are people with whom there are frequent conflicts, people who manipulate or suppress. It is necessary to determine the distance with them or exclude them from your circle of communication at all.

Anna: Pay attention to your attitude to work and family responsibilities. Perhaps there are situations that are psychological triggers of negative emotions and feelings. In this case, you should consult a psychotherapist and work through traumatic situations.

Earlier wrote about exercises that will help to return awareness in any situation.

But if you feel that discouragement covers you right now, try simple and quick actions that will lift your mood.

  • Dress beautifully and brightly. A reflection in the mirror that you like adds to your confidence and mood.
  • Solve a puzzle or put a jigsaw puzzle together. Firstly, you will free your mind, and secondly, solving a puzzle, even a small one, will lift your mood.
  • Eat chocolate. Chocolate is the fastest way to increase the amount of dopamine and thus lift your mood.
  • Straighten your back. Yes, it’s not a mistake, you need a straight posture to be in a good mood. Our psyche believes that if a person is standing straight, stretched out to the sun and smiling, then they are doing well and in a great mood.
  • Help a loved one. Helping someone always lifts their spirits and increases their self-confidence.
  • Draw your problem. Start drawing whatever comes into your head, bright or dim, big or small it doesn’t matter at all, just express your mood.
  • Hold your breath. After a pause, you will be able to concentrate more quickly on proper breathing. Focused breathing lowers blood pressure and calms the mind.
  • Look at pictures with your near and dear ones. Nostalgia will help you focus on the good things.
  • Hug. Touching leads to the production of oxytocin, the happy hormone. We become happier and our immune system is strengthened.

Choose one of the ways or make up your own. The main thing is to listen to your body and respond to its signals in time. By the way, tips from the list can be used every day as a preventive measure.

We have collected 20 wise quotes from children’s books that make you think about life.
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