25 Buddha quotes that will turn your mind upside down and definitely change your life

25 Buddha quotes that will turn your mind upside down and definitely change your life

Ekaterina Saleeva

Ekaterina Saleeva

25 Buddha quotes that will turn minds upside down

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About acceptance, mindfulness, happiness and love.

Buddha is a spiritual teacher, inspiration, and the founder of one of the three world religions. He’s also the person most quoted on the internet. While some people turn to the mentor in search of the main answers to complex questions, others read his sayings with distrust and wariness, doubting their authenticity.

We suggest joining the first group. One of the main books where followers have collected the Buddha’s sayings is called the Dhammapada. In addition to wise sayings, it broadly and succinctly describes the basic doctrines of Buddhism.

The work has been reprinted to this day. In it one can find answers to all questions. That’s what Buddhists believe. Although even here we cannot be sure that we are reading the sayings of Buddha himself… But, if we believe his own words, the main thing is ourselves. What is important for us to hear right now. Perhaps you can find those very words right now.

Let go of what doesn’t belong to you. Once released, you will find happiness and goodness for a long time to come.

It is ridiculous to think that anyone but you can make you happy or unhappy.

If by giving up the lesser happiness you can attain the greater, let the wise give up the lesser in the hope of gaining the greater.

Happiness will not come to those who do not know how to appreciate what they already have.

Great pride will lead to a fall, but humility will lead to victory.

Contemplation is the work of goodness. Discipline is a work of blessed beauty.

The teacher comes when the student is ready.

Everything we are is the result of what we think about. The mind is everything. Thoughts are material.

Do not distort the labors of others and do not spoil your own.

To understand everything is to forgive everything.

To conquer oneself is a greater task than to conquer others.

Repeat infinitely perfect action, and your religion will become wisdom.

Turn your life into a garland of beautiful deeds.

Kindness is the instructor of peace.

Six days for work, one day for rest – the perfect combination.

Free your soul from fear and envy. This is the most important step in gaining freedom.

The mind can reach its limit when it begins to think about the heart of the matter.

Don’t be greedy. There is no power in the world that can capture eternal happiness.

Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.

Clinging to feelings of anger is like drinking poison and expecting another person to die instead of you.

An external enemy exists only when anger is present within you.

True love is born out of understanding.

If you have to do something, do it wholeheartedly.

If you truly love yourself, you can never hurt another.

In this world, hatred can never be eradicated with hatred. Only love can defeat hatred. This is the eternal law.

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