3 simple BOSU exercises that everyone should learn to do

3 simple exercises with BOSU that everyone should learn to do

3 simple and useful exercises with BOSU

This apparatus will help you acquire useful skills for further training.

BOSU is a very interesting training apparatus that opens a lot of new possibilities for an athlete. At first glance, the hemisphere looks rather boring compared to huge exercise machines or barbells. But if used correctly, it will help you develop a lot of new skills, which will further facilitate your sports activities.

The apparatus is designed to develop your vestibular apparatus, balance and make some exercises more difficult. Try to stand on the hemisphere with your feet and do some squats. It seems like a simple task, but it may not work the first time.

Today, together with trainer Ivan Korolev, we have prepared some basic exercises with BOSU that everyone should learn to do. They will not only pump your muscles, but also develop your balancing skills. Turn on the video and start training with us!

Learn more about what BOSU is and some simple exercises for beginners with this machine at this link.
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