5 important things to do before going on vacation

Elvira Galimova

Founder of Done Media PR Bureau and Done Media Kafedra educational platform

What do you need to prepare at work and in your personal affairs to get into a stress-free routine after a vacation?

Don’t leave work issues in limbo

If you have a number of unresolved issues at work, try to accumulate all the strength and opportunities to close them before the vacation. Can’t do it? Then enlist the support of your colleagues and ask for help in your absence.

Tell your colleague a work issue, tell about all the nuances, so that there is no stupor, and you do not begin to cut off the work chat clients and partners. By the way, don’t forget to bring some memorable and pleasant souvenir or a tasty surprise for a colleague who supported you from your vacation trip.

Don’t start major projects before your vacation

Sometimes in the euphoria of professional challenges can be forgotten, start to act “here and now”, and later realize that tomorrow you have a plane to another city and to have time to do everything is simply impossible.

Try to postpone the realization of a new project for the working period. Here is a very relevant truth: “Do not start what you can not finish”. Of course, there are different situations: force majeure and defiantly promising offers that you can not refuse. Still, do your best not to start new projects a few days before your vacation.

Warn everyone that you will be absent

Set up an automatic reply in your email that you’ll be gone on specific dates. Include in the email which colleagues can be contacted for urgent matters in your absence. Also do a mailing to clients and associates so they are aware, don’t lose sight of you, and don’t panic.

You can do the cleaning yourself or invite a cleaning company. Sometimes it’s easier, and it also saves time for other more urgent and high-priority things that are so important to get done before vacation.

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