A massage that will slim you down. You just lie there and lose weight

Many people think that massage is a procedure for relaxation, muscle fatigue and emotional detox. But few people realize that a massage therapist can be your best friend in the process of “sculpting” the perfect body. The whole point is that it is during a massage that you can spot work those areas that are difficult to emphasize during a workout in the gym.

Of course, no one will claim that for one visit to the massage you will burn an incredible amount of calories and lose a couple of sizes, but in combination with proper nutrition and fitness load in the gym, the result will not make you wait long.

Together with the specialists of the clinic of osteopathy and classical medicine OSTEOPOLYCLINIC we decided to understand: is lymphatic drainage as useful as they say about it, and how much you can actually lose, lying on the massage table?

The massage you’ve heard of. The famous lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is a real “generator” of beauty, youth and health. This massage has both aesthetic and therapeutic and preventive effects on the body. After a few sessions the clients’ general condition improves, metabolic processes in cells are activated, cleansing of the body is accelerated, toxins are eliminated, and the skin is saturated with oxygen. To date, lymphatic drainage massage is successfully used to reduce weight, remove swelling, improve the condition of the entire body.

  • Lymphatic drainage body massage can accelerate the flow of lymph;
  • anti-cellulite lymphatic drainage massage helps to eliminate excess intercellular fluid, leading to the appearance of cellulite;
  • with the help of this procedure it is possible to improve blood circulation in the tissues, eliminate swelling, as well as faster relief from inflammatory processes, muscle tissue recovery

What is the effect? During both hardware and manual lymphatic drainage massage massaging movements are performed along the paths of lymph flow, which increases blood flow to the tissues. As a result, not only muscle tone, but also lymphatic circulation improves.

Pain: painless.

Bueffect of the first procedure: volumes visually reduced, disappeared morning puffiness of the face and bags under the eyes. For a course of lymphatic drainage massage is quite realistic to lose up to 5 cm in volume.

Cost: from 6000 rubles.

Massage, which you have not heard of. Lymphatic drainage with bamboo sticks

Massage with bamboo sticks is one of the main attractions of Bali, Goa and Thailand. The material for creating sticks is not chosen by chance, in Asian countries bamboo is associated with youth and beauty. Today this exotic massage can be tried not only on vacation, but also in beauty salons in our country (for example, in the clinic of osteopathy and classical medicine OSTEOPOLYCLINIC).

This is interesting: bamboo stalks of different sizes and diameters are used in the creation of the sticks. The larger they are, the deeper the tissues and muscles are worked. Massage with bamboo sticks combines several oriental techniques: Thai massage, Shiatsu, Ayurveda and lymphatic drainage.

What is the effect? The massage begins with the application of oil or moisturizing cream on the body. Then the therapist starts to perform acupressure with small diameter sticks. Thereby stimulating biologically active points in our body. The technique is based on vibration and pressure with wider diameter sticks.

Painfulness: tolerable, slightly more painful than a classical massage.

Effect from the first treatment: -1,5 cm in the hips, – 1 cm in the waist.

Cost: from 6000 rubles.

After lymphatic drainage: to drink or not to drink?

Drinking regimen is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to observe it and remember one simple rule: “everything that is not water is food”. Smoothies, juices, sweet sodas, coffee and tea – even if any of these drinks and quenches thirst, then only for a while. Try to give preference to ordinary water without gas. As to whether you should drink water immediately after a lymphatic drainage massage, you can, but carefully.

  • In 15-20 minutes after the massage you may feel thirsty. Take a couple of sips, but do not drink more than a glass at once. To maintain the effect is highly undesirable for the first 2 hours to drink fluids and snack. The whole point is that the lymphatic drainage massage removes excess fluid from the body, and fat cells experience serious stress. If you drink water or eat immediately after the procedure, the cells will store even more water than they did before.
  • The day after the procedure, it is necessary to follow a drinking regime: drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water a day, preferably before 18 hours of the day.

Frequency of visits. How many times a year do you need to do massage?

In order to get a stable result, lymphatic drainage massage is recommended to carry out courses (about 10-12 times with breaks of 1-2 days). In this case, it is important to perform supportive exercises and light self-massage at home (1-2 times a week). This will help to maximize the effect from the very first days.

What is the best way to combine lymphatic drainage massage?

Of course, you need to understand that lymphatic drainage massage itself is not a panacea for all problems. And in order not only to achieve results, but also to keep it for a long period of time, massage and other cosmetic procedures (wraps, scrubbing and care) is recommended to combine with physical activity. For this purpose, it is not necessary to choose high-intensity workouts, but moderate exercise such as:

  • long walks (from 40 minutes);
  • Pilates;
  • yoga;
  • stretching;
  • aerial stretching (canvases and hammocks);
  • classical morning gymnastics;
  • aqua aerobics.

With a comprehensive approach activates the excretion of metabolic products that are formed during the breakdown of fat, in parallel, this improves the drainage functions of the body. That is why the combination of massage and exercise will help you achieve the desired result much faster!

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