Sneezing is an unconditional defense reflex. This is how we clean the nasal mucosa from foreign particles that seem dangerous to us: remove dust and other irritants from
certified clinical geneticist, nutritionist, expert of UniProf Academy of Physicians What can cause an upset stomach? When the digestive system starts to “malfunction” after a big feast or
In each of us there are several roles that we use depending on the situation. We can be strong and weak, wise and doubting, caring and indifferent at
Some people go gray slowly, hair by hair. For others, the head turns gray almost simultaneously. There are also different shades of gray hair: from dark gray to
doctor of integrative medicine, therapist, infectious disease specialist at UniProf Academy of Physicians How do you realize that you are deficient in magnesium? The body contains about 25
MD, member of the Asute Cardiovascular Care Association, cardiologist of JSC Medicine What can cause the heart to age? Aging is a natural process that everyone faces. Not
Braces have been used in orthodontic treatment for decades, but there are still a lot of controversial and not fully understood points. For example, what can and cannot
What are the dangers of reading in low light? Doctor explains Valeria Smirnova October 18, 2022, 16:45 MSC 3 consequences you may face. Ophthalmologist at the Eye Microsurgery
certified clinical geneticist, nutritionist, expert of the UniProf Academy of Physicians Why should you not hold back yawning? How can it be dangerous? Sometimes it’s so nice to
general practitioner What do different body odors tell about? It would seem that, along with sight and hearing, the sense of smell comes second in the ranking of