Dasha Brygina: your body is made for movement

All today we will talk about girls who managed to achieve great heights in sports. Especially for our series of interviews on the eve of March 8 we met with a great motivator and charming girl, Nike + Training Club trainer Dasha Brygina, who told us how to start doing sports, to realize that you definitely need it and not to lose motivation.

The beginning of the sports path

When did your introduction to sports begin?
– My first conscious sporting choice happened when I was 11 years old – I went to a judo sports section. It was my first step towards sports. From that moment on, sport has always accompanied my life. When I entered university, in physical education there was an opportunity to go to the gym, which I did.

What else can lead a person to sport?
– If we talk about an adult person, then the first thing that can lead him to the gym for training is the environment, including information. Now in all resources the topic of sports slips in one way or another. At some point a person may start to ask himself: if everyone else is doing it, maybe I should do it too?

Why Nike?
– In my opinion, it is the best sports brand that works with both professional athletes and non-professionals. Nike has this phrase: “If you have a body, you are an athlete ” – if you are a person , you are already an athlete because your body is made for movement. This is the attitude that coincides one hundred percent with my inner feelings, so there was no choice of “this brand or another”.

How to start exercising?

What is the right way to start working out at the gym?
– If you want to work out, but you don’t know where to start, it’s best to go to a good personal trainer. He will tell you what’s going on with your body at the moment and give you recommendations. Then you can go to personal training, group training and so on. But if you don’t have such an opportunity, I advise you to come to us. All the trainers who work at Nike Training Club are professionals. We have different areas: strength, endurance, mobility and others.

“The best thing is to approach the trainer before the training session and tell him that you are coming to the class for the first time. He will be able to counsel you and advise you on what to do next.”

What is the best motivation for you to take up a sport?
– The most important motivation is realizing that after the effort you make on yourself, you will have a sense of satisfaction that you did it. Any kind of exercise is satisfying. If you’ve been exercising for a while, you realize that the feeling after a workout is much better than when you stay in a soft bed. But if you’ve never tried working out, the motivation may be different – a nice new gym uniform or the fact that you’ve arranged to go work out with a friend.

– The first workout is usually not easy. How do you not get discouraged after the first time and continue training?
– In my experience, the first training session is not very difficult because you are in a state of euphoria. What is difficult is that on the second or third day after training your muscles will be very sore and it is not easy to decide to do a second workout after such feelings. When you go for your first workout, you don’t need to try to “max out” like most people do – it won’t do any good. It’s better to familiarize yourself with the description of the workout and find out if it’s suitable for beginners. Then approach the trainer and tell him that you are here for the first time, he will give you special attention.

In any case, you should decide to go ahead, make training plans, start working on a certain scheme.

Life in sport

What is the most effective training format?
– The most effective in terms of developing your body is, of course, the format of personal training, because the trainer adjusts all the exercises to the peculiarities of your body. But I love group workouts – they are the most effective in terms of motivation and energy. When many people are working out around you, you start to work on the same wave with them. Realizing that you are not alone helps in every area of life.

– Do you need to restrict yourself in your diet?
– I believe that any restrictions and limits you put yourself in only hinder you. Another thing is when you do sports regularly – in this case you simply do not want to eat bad food, because it does not give you strength for training. You don’t have to limit yourself to everything, but offer yourself extra rules to play by. For example, do not remove something from your diet, but add it (for example, add 300 grams of vegetables to your daily diet). Rules like this work much better than negative attitudes.

– On the morning of January 1, you went out for a run. How do you learn to decide to do such extraordinary things?
– You need to look for non-obvious bonuses from such things. There are always a lot of them. For example, on January 1 there are no people and in addition the streets are closed, so you can run where you have never run before. But for me it wasn’t something incredible, because when you have a certain regimen, it’s easier to decide to do such things.

Intrinsic motivation

What is your main goal for 2018?
– I used to set goals for myself for the year, but I didn’t get satisfaction from it. My main goal is, no matter what, to enjoy every day and try to do something useful for myself and for other people. Then I can put a “check mark” at the end of the year.

What inner qualities has sport developed in you?
– I am very grateful to my work that it brought up in me a real ability not to give up and not to stop, no matter what. All people start, but it is difficult not to start, but to continue without stopping for a week, a month, a year and so on. Working in sports has taught me that you will always achieve results if you do your job to the end and without any pauses.

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