Doctors have named 7 food groups that should form the basis of a proper diet

In today’s world, many people strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle. One of its foundations, of course, is proper nutrition. However, there is a common misconception that a balanced diet must necessarily consist of expensive and inaccessible products. In reality, however, things are quite different: it is easier than it seems to make a healthy menu for each day.

How to make your menu varied and tasty? How can you make your ideal menu so that it is nutritious enough? What foods should be included? And why is it important to try to stick to a healthy diet? Let’s find out with the experts.

The importance of a proper diet

Olga Goncharenko

doctor, nutritionist

Proper nutrition is the key to preventing many chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease. Otherwise, there is a risk of reduced mental and physical performance, which has a direct impact on the standard of living.

Balanced nutrition is the basis of humoral regulation – one of the earliest mechanisms of regulation of vital processes in the body. All necessary microelements and substances that the body cannot synthesize, we must get with food.

There are several basic rules, such as observing the correct ratio of macronutrients. In a healthy diet it is necessary to observe the proportion of 3:3:4, where 30% are proteins and fats, and 40% are carbohydrates.

What should include a diet for the day

Alexandra Chistyakova

MD, sports doctor, wellbeing & beauty expert

Proper nutrition does not mean a monotonous boring menu and refusal from your favorite tasty treats. On the contrary, the diet should be varied and include a wide range of products.

It is important to include amino acids and trace elements – potassium, chlorine, magnesium and sodium – in your daily diet. The first substances are the building blocks of protein, which is the basis of muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin and hair, and the second – the basis of the nervous system, and thus the work of muscles and the main muscle – cardiac.

2-3 g of salt, received “from the salt shaker”, should be present in the menu necessarily.

Fats, and both animal and vegetable, provide the integrity of any cell wall in the body useful cholesterol, which is an essential element in the formation of sex hormones.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy and strength. It is better to get them from whole grains and minimally processed sources. For example, you can safely add hard pasta, baked potatoes, uncooked rice and cereals to your diet.

7 foods you need in your diet


This is not only an excellent source of easily digestible protein, but also a reference product for the essential amino acid – lecithin. The brain consists of 30% of this substance. The daily norm of an adult 5-7 g per day in the first half of the day, which is equivalent to two boiled eggs.

At the same time lecithin normalizes lipid metabolism, improves female hormonal background, protects the liver (lecithin is part of hepatoprotectors). Also, egg protein is digested for a long time, so it eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time.


A good source of vitamins and fiber, which many people forget to add to their menu. Recently, the norm of vegetable consumption per day has increased to 600 g, i.e. five or six vegetables daily.


They too contain a lot of fiber and vitamins, but it is important not to forget about the presence of fructose, that is, added sugar. Seasonal and better local vegetables should be included in the daily diet, but it is better to do it in the first half of the day, but no more than 300 g per day.


Greens are essential in the daily diet for the same reasons as vegetables. However, it is important to remember that it has a more concentrated composition in terms of acids.

For example, for all its benefits, parsley is contraindicated in gout because of its high combination of oxalic acid, which can provoke the formation of oxalate salts in people prone to urolithiasis.


A source of protein and hemoglobin. Modern research suggests that it is necessary to reduce the consumption of red meat to one or two servings per week. This is enough to reduce the risks of associated diseases while getting essential amino acids and essential animal fats.

Balık ve deniz ürünleri

Contains a lot of protein. The Mediterranean diet, which is based on seafood, vegetable fats and long carbohydrates, is recognized worldwide. Fish is an ideal product in terms of protein and omega-3 fats. Given the variety of fish species in general availability and the preservation of nutritional value in frozen fish, it is an ideal product for the daily diet.

Vegetable oils

Should be in the daily diet without fail. Such oils are unsaturated, so it is important to “dial up” the full chain of fatty acids by alternating different oils in the diet: walnut, grape seed, olive, flaxseed.

In addition to the above-mentioned products, the diet may include dairy. It is desirable not more than two or three portions (400-600 ml). Do not be fond of sour cream, cream, ice cream and butter because of their low calcium content.

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