Editorial tries: features of functional training

If you’ve long wanted to achieve a flexible and graceful body, to train your body for endurance, you don’t have to sign up for several different workouts. In that case, you should learn more about the basics of functional training. In order to understand how the consistent performance of basic exercises and alternating the load can lead you to the result, we went to Genius Body training in the network of fitness clubs X-Fit.

Exercise pictured: knees shoulder-width apart on the floor, feet flat on the back. Putting your hand behind your head, alternately turn in different directions, changing the supporting arm. Attention! When performing this exercise, make sure that your back is straight and your hips stay in place.

Why do you need functional training?

Ruslan Panov, expert-methodist and coordinator of group programs of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit: “Exercises that are practiced during training help us to maintain balance in normal life. They harden our bodies. For example, if you slip and start to fall, the trained muscles and developed stabilizers will help you quickly gather yourself and avoid unpleasant injuries. And so it is with everything.”

Who is suitable for functional training?

“It doesn’t matter at all what your level is. Functional training is good for beginners and professionals alike. It all depends on the goals you want to achieve. For someone it’s important to recover from an injury, and someone else wants to maintain posture or maybe lose weight.”

The exercise in the photo: the well-known and much-loved plank. Watch the position of the hips: they should not go below or above the level of the back. Increase the load gradually. Do not immediately start with a long plank.

Who can engage in functional training?

“According to this methodology, you can start practicing at any time. Very different people come to us: 18-19 years old, and already elderly. In general, there is such a trend in fitness now, when age restrictions are erased. If you feel like it, you come and try it.”

Additional equipment

“You can work out without weights or equipment, but their presence certainly contributes to the rapid growth of progress. In addition to the basic and familiar exercise equipment, it can be affordable and popular now TRX loops, U-9 chain, ViPR and COR board. The loads are much more effective with them.”

Exercise in the photo: after back exercises, it is recommended to stretch it. To do this, extend your arms and legs and flex your shoulder blades.

How many times a week to do functional training? Are there any restrictions?

“Whichever you feel comfortable with. Two workouts a week will be fine. Functional training doesn’t require as long a recovery as strength training. One day is enough for recovery.
Through functional training, the body becomes more flexible and physically fit. As I said, it is based on exercises that mimic our everyday movements. The muscles work in a way that is familiar to them, so the risk of injury and strain is greatly reduced. This is how the workout becomes more effective. All muscles in the body are involved, especially those responsible for the stability and balance of our movements. This allows us to develop endurance, agility and coordination.”

Important: During the exercises, it is important to monitor the position of the legs, arms and back. This control of the body is necessary so that the load is distributed correctly.

Exercise on the photo: take a lying down position. Turn in different directions, alternately changing the support arm. The raised arm should be in line with the support arm. The feet lie on the sides. Remember to keep your back straight and your abs tight.

Difficulty: 4 out of 5

Conclusion: I advise you to try functional training on yourself at least once. Genius Body is an author’s workout by Ruslan Panov, an expert of X-Fit network. To a beginner it may seem really difficult and even impossible to perform, but with time, I’m sure you will get the hang of it. Remember that training with proper emphasis on all muscle groups is one of the easiest and most effective ways to keep yourself and your body in excellent physical shape.

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