Friend of man: how to make a walk with a pet more active and interesting?

A walk with your dog is a great way to have fun, let go of household problems, and learn something new. For humans, yes. But have you ever thought about how a pet who follows you around feels? He has to do what you tell him to do every day. What kind of walk is it when one companion is constantly telling you where you should or shouldn’t go, pushing the other and setting the pace of the walk. Is it fair?

Let’s find out together with Anastasia Iziumova how to walk with your dog in such a way that it would be interesting for him too.

For the sake of experiment, try to walk along the street with a person who will move only according to his plan, leaving you no choice and no opportunity to offer something of your own. Most likely, you will get tired of such a walk very quickly. There are so many interesting things going on around, and you can’t stop and observe or study them. Agree that you will not go on another walk like this.

Pets are deprived of the opportunity to choose how, with whom and when to go for a walk. They are always with their owner and are only a leash away. Their mood, satisfaction of interests and variety of life always depends on a person.

As practice shows, people most often choose the same routes for walks with dogs. The reason for this is lack of time, laziness or lack of mood. There is not even a thought that the animal can start to go crazy from monotony: the same routes, landscapes, people and even dogs that meet on the way. The animal becomes bored, with the world being so vast and so much to see and experience.

Monotony is a problem that needs to be addressed

It is not difficult to determine that the dog may be missing new experiences:

  • He can’t walk calmly by your side.
  • He pulls his master to the side.
  • He waddles idly behind you.
  • Picks up trash, including inedible garbage.
  • Barks for any reason.

There’s a problem, there’s a solution

We have already realized that you need to get rid of monotony and boredom on a walk and as soon as possible. Here are a few ways you can do it.

Method 1: Let the dog choose the route

By taking away your pet’s ability to choose where he wants to walk today, we deprive him of new experiences. And he already spends a lot of time at home. What’s more, we also deny ourselves the opportunity to see something new and explore a new route. As a result, walks with the dog become a routine, just like the usual route from home to work.

There’s a myth: “If a dog feels free to choose, he’ll become unmanageable.”

We disagree. It’s quite the opposite. If the pet gets its needs met, it becomes calm and balanced. However, it is worth considering the following: in order for the dog’s needs to be well and correctly matched with the needs of the owner, proper communication with the animal is necessary.

Method 2: Learn by walking

A dog is like a child. She too can be nurtured and taught new things. Bring treats for your pet and take some time on your walk to learn. For example, you can have your dog learn new commands like sit, give paw, serve, or dance. If your pet is having a hard time concentrating (which is often the case on a walk), it’s best to start with exercises that he loves and is good at. This is to give your dog the experience of winning, not losing. Training will give you the opportunity to bond with your pet and have a great time with him. And don’t forget to give him praise and treats.

Method 3: Exercise

If you love exercising in the park and you haven’t taken your dog for a workout until now, get dressed and run outside together. You can do more than just run with your pet. You can try something new: combine a walk with your dog with skateboarding or biking. For you it will be a new fun experience, and for the animal – interactive. The cynologist advises that before such a training session to conduct a warm-up with the dog. An excellent option will be to do the complex “sit-stay-lying” several times plus gymnastic exercises: reach for a piece in different directions, twirl, etc.

IMPORTANT. Long running on asphalt is harmful for the dog, it is better to conduct training on the ground or grass. And be sure to offer your pet a drink periodically.

Training together is a great way to get your dog active, emotionally and mentally unloaded, and to spend some extra time with your dog.

Method 4: Play

It’s not just at home that your pet can play with toys. Take them with you on walks. A ball, a bone, a string – anything. Everyone loves to be played with, and so do animals. The dog will be very happy to run once again, and you, watching how happy your pet, you can distract yourself from problems. And don’t forget, when you play with your dog, you socialize and find new points of contact with each other.

A few words about the leash

The leash has a huge impact on the quality of your walk and the experience you and your pet get from it. It should not make your dog uncomfortable and should give him plenty of freedom of action. It is recommended to choose a length of 3 meters or more. If you have a harness, choose a softer one. And don’t forget to let your pet off once in a while, because he wants to feel free too.

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