How long can a person go without sleep?

In a lifetime, a person spends an average of 25 years sleeping – and not everyone can live with that. Vietnamese Ngoc Thai has not slept at all for more than 40 years and feels fine. The question arises: how long can a person go without sleep and will there be consequences? Let’s find out together with somnologist Daria Lebedeva.

Daria Lebedeva


Those who experience a sleep deficit have a higher risk of developing diseases.

How long can a person stay awake?

The record holder for the longest time without sleep is Randy Gardner. His record is 11 days and 25 minutes. The somnologist says that it is impossible to call this experiment pure, because at that time no one conducted research in parallel with his experiment. It’s quite possible that he was having microsleeps after all – short-term rest that lasts for a few seconds.

Why is sleep important?

So what happens to a person when they are awake? Recall the basic functions of sleep and understand what happens if we deprive our body of it. When we get enough sleep, we feel great – and that’s for good reason. According to a somnologist, important processes occur during sleep:

  • recovery and rest of the whole body;
  • immune function, antibody production;
  • memory formation;
  • cognitive development (perception, memory, logic);
  • development of stress resistance;
  • accumulation of energy and strength.

What happens if you don’t sleep for 24 hours or more?

Scientists say that 36 hours without sleep will not harm the body: physical and mental activity will be normal. This is often practiced, for example, by students during the session. Specialists from the University of California believe that the consequences will appear on the seventh day without sleep.

24 hours without sleep
Sleepless days entail fatigue, mood swings, impaired coordination and memory, drowsiness, irritability, decreased concentration, increased stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline) and blood sugar levels.

48 hours without sleep
After two days, cognitive abilities deteriorate, severe fatigue, decreased alertness, impaired judgment. A person begins to sleep while awake and does not even realize it. Such a state is called microsleep and can last for a few seconds.

72 hours without sleep
If you don’t sleep for three days, the symptoms of sleep deprivation increase: mood becomes more unstable, cognitive abilities deteriorate even more – and this is in the best case. At worst, paranoia sets in, depressed mood, and difficulty in communication. In 2015, two astronauts who had not slept for three days faced similar consequences.

Daria Lebedeva

Daria Lebedeva


Everything happens in life, and if for some reason you have to briefly limit yourself in sleep, then after the body will quickly recover. The next night a person will sleep better, because the percentage of deep sleep will be greater. In general, there will be no health consequences.

But if you spend more than a day without sleep, then you will have difficulties with concentration. In addition, there will be a labile, that is, changeable, mood: you will be thrown into anxiety, then into apathy, then into tears. You will become more passive, there will be no strength to engage in physical activity and solve complex problems. Even in various studies, people are not deprived of sleep for more than four days. Therefore, no doctor is ready to subject his patient to such an experiment, because it can be dangerous.

Someone who sleeps little is more likely to get sick. According to a somnologist, people who experience a sleep deficit, consciously limit themselves in sleep or suffer from chronic insomnia have a higher risk of developing diseases. Among them:

  • Cancer;
  • Alzheimer’s disease;
  • dementia;
  • cardiovascular complications;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke.
Daria Lebedeva

Daria Lebedeva


As they say, he who is warned is armed. So get yourself a good night’s sleep and don’t wait until retirement to get a good night’s sleep. Sleep now and get the best and safest vitamin for your health for free.

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