How long does it take to get your body ready for summer?

How much time do you need to prepare your body for summer?

How to prepare for summer?

Audio version:

Shedding a few pounds in the shortest amount of time is easy, but not safe.

Elena Skoblova

World class gym supervisor and master trainer, master of sports in jiu-jitsu in Russia.

How many times a week should you train? What points should be taken into account during preparation?

It seems that summer was only yesterday. However, the New Year is upon us, followed by a series of holidays. Before you know it, the swimsuit season will be just a couple of weeks away. We do not advise you to resort to the classic version of preparing for a vacation in one week, and to worry about this issue in advance. The cold weather is already coming, the time of sitting in the park under the sun is over, which means that it’s time to dedicate winter to training.

How much to train and how to increase the load?

It will be enough to train 2-4 times a week for 1-1,5 hours. Don’t forget about rest. Training seven days a week is not necessary even for professional athletes. Alternate workloads: include strength training, cardio and stretching in your plan. This will keep you from getting bored and will be good for your body.

The training load will increase as you adapt to the exercises. Increase the difficulty and severity of your workouts gradually, don’t chase quick results. You don’t need to overexert yourself. If you realize that training with a particular weight has become habitual for you, try to add yourself first a kilogram of weight, then another and so on.

What are the stages of training?

The stages will depend on your training goals and fitness level first and foremost, as well as the nuances of each individual body. A competent diet and drinking balance should ideally be your allies on a regular basis. If you don’t know what to do, you can ask a nutritionist/nutritionist for advice. Specialists can help you understand your diet, give you recommendations on your daily regimen and healthy habits. You can include massage in this list – a course once every six months for the general condition of the body will be useful and pleasant.

Where to look for motivation to exercise?

Remember that returning to exercise after a long break is necessary only for you – for good health and psychological comfort, both on the beach and off it. Make sport your habit and find an activity to your liking. There’s no need to torture yourself with group workouts if you don’t enjoy them. Try a swimming pool or a boxing class, for example. You should enjoy your workouts, not drag yourself to them like hard labor after work. If you enjoy what you are doing, you will see results in no time.

Your summer will go great and without any difficulties, just think about it now.

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