How not to ruin your vacation. 4 Worst Destinations for Summer Vacation

In Russia, summer is traditionally loved more than any other season, and vacation expectations are high. However, in many other countries summer is openly disliked – and it would be useful for travelers from Russia to know where exactly and why.

Vladimir Vinogradov

President of Pro-Vision, author of the Vinogradov.story community

In order not to spoil your vacation experience, it is advisable to familiarize in advance with the list of countries and regions where it is better not to go in summer.

Persian Gulf countries

Why you should not go in summer: heat up to +50°C.

The resorts of the UAE, the deserts of Saudi Arabia and the Persian heritage of Iran attract Russian tourists throughout the year, but in summer the flow is noticeably reduced. The reason is banal – the heat. For Russians accustomed to the “northern summer – a caricature of southern winters”, 40°C-50°C will seem like a scorcher.

Acclimatization in such conditions will take at least a week, and in especially difficult cases will stretch to the whole vacation. If you’re not ready to move around the Arabian Peninsula in short sprints from air conditioner to air conditioner, it’s best to plan your trip for the cooler months.

Caribbean Islands

Why you shouldn’t go in the summer: humidity, typhoons and tsunamis.

In theory, Dominica, Cuba, Haiti and other places in the Caribbean, located near the equator, promise Russians, if not a climatic paradise, then a comfortable +28°C for sure. In practice, such stability has several serious weather “side effects” – unbearable humidity and periodic hurricanes, typhoons and tsunamis. Even without directly threatening travelers, they can significantly spoil the rest: provoke problems with accommodation and movement, food and fresh water. It is worth reinsuring yourself and either prefer another season or go far away from the equator.

Southeast Asia

Why you shouldn’t go in summer: rainy season.

Bali, Thailand and Vietnam are not accidentally chosen for “wintering”: in the summer months there is a high risk of heavy prolonged rains, which can erode the good impressions of the vacation. The best time for traveling in Southeast Asia is from November to March: this period is considered the “dry season”. If your vacation fell on the summer and you can not postpone it, you should choose the central regions of Vietnam (for example, Da Nang or Hoi An), island Samui and Pangan in Thailand or more exotic Borneo.

Regions of the Southern Hemisphere

Why you shouldn’t go in summer: it’s winter there.

The climate of the high latitudes and mountainous regions of the Southern Hemisphere can confuse even experienced travelers who have traveled more than a thousand kilometers. The banal fact that below the equator in summer comes winter, often simply flies out of your head. Therefore, booking tickets from May to August to Patagonia or the highlands of Chile is not the best idea. Much more attractive are the “transitional” months of March or November: the price tag in the off-season drops to comfortable values, the tourist flow decreases, and you can expect promising +20°C weather.

Read about which countries allow Russians to travel to without visas here.

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