How to clear your lungs of phlegm, smog and tobacco tar. The doctor mentioned 4 effective ways

Irina Yuzup

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of integrative, preventive and conventional medicine, nutritionist

How to properly cleanse the lungs and when to do it?

First of all, before we understand why to clean the lungs, we need to determine what we are cleaning them from. Would you like to increase the expectoration of phlegm when coughing or restore the lungs after a long pneumonia, viral or bacterial disease? Or are you an avid smoker and you need to cleanse your lungs of tar? Or maybe you’ve been in a place with a polluted environment or increased dust? By the way, about how to properly protect yourself from urban smog, read in the material at the link.

Depending on the cause of lung cleansing can be prescribed differently. And not as a preventive measure, but as a treatment.

Let’s talk about ways to restore lung function, available to everyone. They will help speed up the process of rehabilitation after acute illness.

Important! If the disease is chronic – obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma and others. – Lung cleansing and various manipulations related to this should be prescribed by a doctor.


This can be inhalation with mineral water using a nebulizer or steam inhalation. Two to three minutes is enough to achieve the desired effect. To strengthen the effect of steam inhalation will help soda or decoctions of herbs: chamomile, elderberry, juniper, cedar, eucalyptus. Instead of decoctions, you can add a drop of essential oil.

It is important to observe precautions:

  • cool the water before starting inhalation;
  • do not resort to inhalation, if the temperature is elevated or increased sputum outflow.

Running and other cardio exercises

If you’re healthy but can’t completely give up bad habits like smoking, regular exercise can help clear your lungs. They will increase blood flow to the cells, accelerate metabolic processes and cellular respiration.

But it is important to breathe correctly during training: inhale through the nose and take deep breaths. Then the effect will be noticeable.

Breathing practices

There are many breathing practices that help to increase lung volume, reduce the risk of pneumonia and accelerate the expectoration of phlegm in respiratory diseases.

One common technique is kapalabhati from yoga (fire breathing). Autogenic drainage is also suitable: deep inhalation through the nose, holding the breath for two to three seconds and slowly exhaling.

Read more about different breathing exercises at the link.

Phyto tea and bone broth

To cope with phlegm and cough during a cold will help herbal teas, for example, decoction of rose hips, tea from oregano, compote of dried fruits without sugar. Such infusions should be drunk warm, even hot, but not burning. A similar effect will have a warm bone broth.

If the lungs are “polluted” by heavy production (you live in an industrial city or work where there are dust emissions), you need to clean them regularly. Vacationing in pine forests or by the sea, using essential oils in aroma lamps is also part of this treatment.

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