How to increase testosterone with exercise and why is it necessary?

George Mshalaya

endocrinologist, andrologist at the European Medical Center (EMC)

Does sport help to increase testosterone? What does a low testosterone level indicate?

Many people believe that testosterone is a hormone that only men have, and it is the hormone that defines “masculinity”. In fact, this is a simplified and erroneous view, in reality, things look a little more complicated.

In women, testosterone is also responsible for normal muscle tone and maintaining libido. During menopause, its level decreases, and as part of hormone therapy, women are prescribed not only estrogens, but also male hormones. If there are individual complaints, testosterone may also be prescribed.

What does low testosterone indicate?

Low testosterone in men can manifest itself in a violation of sexual function, that is, a decrease in erection, sexual desire. And also in psychological disorders: increased fatigue, irritability, nervousness, panic attacks, depression. Other disorders are also possible: increased body weight, a tendency to high blood sugar, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, decreased bone density.

Reliable determination of testosterone levels can be done with a blood test.

Subsequently learned that the level of the hormone increases not only after strength training, but also after aerobic exercise. That is, it is running, triathlon, etc. In general, it is proven that physically developed men have higher testosterone levels than those who lead an inactive lifestyle. However, it should be understood that excessive intensity and duration of training can have a negative effect – in this case, testosterone levels may decrease.

One study conducted in Spain proved that strength training three times a week for a month led to an increase in testosterone in men. This increase lasted for several weeks. But it is important to note that these results apply more to men than women.

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