How to lose weight in 4 weeks before the New Year. Trainer’s tips and exercises

Egor Khodyrev

fitness trainer

How to lose weight before the New Year and what you need to do for this?

In everyone’s life, it happens that it is necessary to lose weight quickly for some event. Many will go on vacation during the holidays or want to get into their favorite suit to look chic on New Year’s Eve.

It’s harder to burn extra calories in the winter than it is during the warm season. This is because we spend less time outdoors because of the cold weather and more time at home.

Use three basic rules

Reduce your calorie intake by 15%. No one is calling you to completely give up delicious things, but you can replace chocolates and candies with fruits and nuts, and fatty meat and convenience foods with poultry fillets. Include in your diet: eggs, buckwheat, brown rice, cottage cheese, breads. Give preference to vegetables and green fruits.

The article details how to eat before the holidays to lose weight and not harm your health.

Be active. Exercise three times a week for an hour. You don’t have to squeeze all the juices out of yourself with strength exercises to be exhausted the next day. Consider high-intensity workouts with lots of repetitions and short rests between exercises. Design your workout program so that the movement involves several joints at once, and the number of repetitions in each approach was 25-30 times.

Walk a lot. Let walking become your means of transportation for this month instead of a car or bus. Walking, like any activity, burns calories: while walking, your body engages a huge number of skeletal muscles that expend energy. On average, we can burn 250 kcal in an hour.

Workout to burn 500 calories in an hour

Burpees with push-ups


  • From a standing position, exhale and do a deep squat. Keep your back flat.
  • Jump into a plank.
  • Do a push-up.
  • After jumping, move to the squat position and jump up.

Perform three approaches of 25 times. Rest between approaches – one minute.

Explosive jumps from a deep squat.


  • Place your feet at shoulder width, turn your feet at 45 degrees. Bend slightly in the lower back, keep your back straight. The gaze is directed forward.
  • Inhale, from a standing position do a deep squat with a straight back.
  • From the bottom point, explosively jump up and exhale quickly.
  • Land on your toes while simultaneously bending your legs at the knees.

Perform three approaches of 25 times. Rest between approaches – one minute.

Lunges with side twists


  • The back is straight with a slight bend in the lower back, tilted to the floor. Shoulder blades together, chest forward.
  • Take one leg back. It is used only for balance.
  • Take a deep breath and gently lower down until the thigh of the working leg is parallel to the floor. Turn your body to the side.
  • Next, push yourself up with the front leg and repeat the movement, but turn the body to the other side.

Perform three approaches of 25 times for each leg. Rest between approaches – one minute.

Twists with keeping straight arms and legs in the air


  • From a lying position, stretch your arms and legs so that they do not touch the floor.
  • As you exhale, do a twist so that your chest and knees simultaneously strive to touch.
  • At the peak point, tense your abdominal muscles as much as possible and hold for one second.
  • As you inhale, unbend by moving your arms and legs in opposite directions without touching the floor.

Perform three approaches of 25 times each. Rest between approaches – one minute.

Running in place with a high hip raise and upward kicks


  • From a standing position, raise your hands up and clench your fists.
  • With explosive movements start to bring your thigh up to parallel with the ground or higher. Use your fists to punch upwards.
  • Land softly on your toes.

Perform three approaches of 25 times. Rest between approaches – one minute.

Train three times a week, follow the diet and do a lot of extra training activity. You will not lose 10 kg of fat, but you are guaranteed to get rid of a couple of extra pounds. New Year holidays promise us a huge amount of high-calorie food, so after you lose weight, do not forget to keep your figure in shape.

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