How to replenish your resource? 3 simple exercises to reboot in any situation

Attention determines the direction of psychic energy and resources. It’s simple. Thoughts about reality trigger certain emotional experiences. Emotions trigger reactions, we take some action or inaction. Action or inaction affects outcomes in life.

Beata Linkevich


What is mindfulness in simple words and how does it affect our lives? Mindfulness is a state of clarity, silence in thought, when the focus of attention is directed to the present moment “here and now”.

We can “drain” energy and attention into fears about the future or get “stuck” in the past, in negative conclusions about ourselves, the world, and other people, thus de-energizing ourselves in the present moment. An example of such negative thoughts: “I can’t cope, I’m not good enough for this”, “other people can’t be trusted”, “the world is a very dangerous place”, “I need to be comfortable, adjust myself to be loved”.

In the previous material, together with a psychologist, we figured out where pessimism comes from and how to fight it.

Just imagine what experiences and actions trigger such thoughts? How effectively in this case a person interacts with the world and people? The state of awareness allows you to see the possibilities in the current situation, to spend energy only on actual tasks without unnecessary torment.

Meditations, contemplation of nature, body-oriented practices, breathing exercises, planned pauses in the working day, walks without a smartphone, various hobbies where you do something with your hands, neurography, writing out all thoughts on paper, techniques for working with limiting attitudes, negative thoughts, psychotherapy – there are many ways to unload the mind and shift attention to the “here and now” moment. Here are five that are available to everyone.

Focus on your sensations

I suggest you do one of my favorite switching exercises called the “four dots.”

  1. With your right palm, begin stroking yourself on your knee, concentrating on the sensations.
  2. Continue to feel your right palm and add your left forearm and begin stroking your other knee with it.
  3. In parallel, feel the surface you are sitting on pressing on your buttocks or back.

Palm, forearm and buttocks are different sensations, right? Keep your attention on these three sensations. You can add in a parallel feeling of how the foot feels cozy or uncomfortable by wiggling your toes. Continue to feel your two hands, buttocks, and foot.

Is there a single thought in your mind during these two to three minutes while you feel the four sensations at the same time? Working on mindfulness takes practice, but is worth the effort if you want to become the author of the changes you want in your life.

Yulia Redkina

psychologist, coach, systemic family therapist

Mindfulness is an essential skill for an adult that not only helps you live successfully and be happy, but also allows you to be safe. An unaware person easily gets into different situations (not always pleasant), can set themselves or others up.

Write down thoughts and emotions

There are many ways to train mindfulness. The simplest is to keep a diary every day. Record what was happening and how you felt while doing it. This can be one or more themed diaries. This is how we post facto become aware of events and evaluate them.

Ask yourself the right questions

The following exercise works well for practicing mindfulness in the moment: set several alarm clocks a day, 30-60 minutes apart. When it rings, ask yourself questions: how do I feel? What is happening to me? What are the sensations in my body? What is my mood? That is, as if “feel” yourself from all sides: body, mood, thoughts, behavior.

Soon you will not need an alarm clock, and you will form the habit of “feeling” yourself in this way, analyzing, reflecting in the moment.

Here are five more ways to recharge your motivation and regain your sanity.
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