How to spend a long weekend in a healthy way

Expert Daniil Lobakin tells us how to organize activities for the next weekend that will provide a charge of vigor and positive emotions, as well as increase the endurance of the body and nervous system.

Outdoor and sport: active retreat in nature

Nature and sports are best for calming and tidying up the nervous system. A good option is to use three weekends for a short trip.

The options can be different – you can go to the mountains (Moscow region, Sochi, Arkhyz – possible variants) and go skiing – both alpine and cross-country. Such training well saturate the blood with oxygen, which helps to improve the work of all organs, including – cardiovascular and nervous systems.

As an option, consider trips to Baikal – the beauty of natural landscapes can be combined with skating on the lake.

An alternative, which is easy to organize, will be a hike in the forest. A long walk in the fresh air is also a cardio workout that will give a good effect.

Strategy and cardio: team games

If you can gather a company of like-minded people, play soccer or hockey on the sports field.

This kind of training helps pump not only muscles, but also the head – discuss strategy and tactics, practice it in practice. Active movements will provide a good cardio workout and help to include all muscle groups.

If you are not going to participate in a mass race, you can organize an individual one for yourself – set a goal and overcome the distance you determine for yourself.

Horseback riding

Horseback riding is both a sport and an experience. It is best to exercise in a complex where you will perform special exercises – here it is not entertainment, but sport.

Hippotherapy has a favorable effect on the nervous system, it is used in the rehabilitation of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The load will be significant, if you will be engaged not 5 minutes, but at least 15. Stabilizer muscles, leg, arm and back muscles will be included.

Anti-stress training

Not only systematic workouts help to relieve stress, but also one-time workouts. To do this, you need to “shake” the whole body, and one of the fastest ways is jumping on trampolines.

The effect will be especially strong if you do not exercise regularly – a single workout will provide a release of dopamine, improve your mood, help to quickly relieve stress and turn on all the muscles.

For meditation it is enough to allocate 3-5 minutes in the morning and evening – in a comfortable position you need to concentrate on the sensations in the body.

Include walks in your daily regimen – even 30-40 minutes a day will be enough. Outdoor activities, breathing exercises and meditation will help to activate the parasympathetic system, which helps the body to recover.

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