Less is less: how to reduce your diet and lose weight without severe restrictions

Often, without realizing it, we eat more than we need to. And it becomes harder and harder to stick to a diet when you look at the shelves of chocolate bars and snacks. Is it possible to reduce the daily diet without severe restrictions? Let’s find out together with trainer and nutritionist Andrei Semeshov.

To begin with, it is important to understand that you can not try to eat as little as possible, minute by minute denying yourself everything. Excessive strictness can lead to night snacking and overeating, and in the long run will negatively affect your health. It is worth eating so much that the weight loss took place without excessive agony and suffering, but at the same time allowed the figure on the scale to gradually decrease.

How to start eating less?

How to come to really reduce the diet? The answer is quite simple: do it very smoothly.

Andrew: To do this, you should first start counting calories – write down the calories of all the foods you ate during the day. Then smoothly reduce the diet by 15% and keep on such calories as long as the planned weight loss allows. When the process stops (you can observe this for at least a week), there are two options for further continuation of weight loss: reduce calories again or add physical activity.

The ideal option, according to the expert, is to slightly reduce calories (not necessarily by 15% at once) and increase physical activity.

How to reduce the diet?

Let’s take a closer look at how to realize a 15% reduction in diet.

Emphasize protein foods. It is low in calories and longer digested, so it will prolong the feeling of satiety.

Eat more vegetables. At any meal and in large quantities. According to the expert, they are voluminous and low-calorie, which is very valuable for thinners.

Drink more water. In the brain, the centers of hunger and thirst are located next door, and, sometimes, you can fool yourself: if you drink more, the feeling of hunger will temporarily recede.

How not to overeat during snacking?

What should you do if you want to eat something sweeter rather than chicken breast or carrots? The desire to eat often arises from boredom: there is nothing to do – I will eat. Or during activity at the computer – work or watching a movie: what movie can do without popcorn? How to be in such a case?

  • Replace snacks with healthy, low-calorie vegetables. Put away the unhealthy snacks, chips and cookies and keep a bowl of sliced carrots, kale and tomatoes handy.
  • If you find yourself reaching for a pack of high-calorie snacks at the store, it’s best to put them away “in the back of the drawer” or treat your guests.
  • Prepare lunch in advance, so that later you do not replace the meal with a “light”, at first glance, snack, which will negatively affect the figure.
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