Plus-Size Queens. Why body models look attractive

Girls in a body have long ago won the right to engage in the modeling business. Among plus-size models there are many top-level stars with huge armies of fans and multi-million dollar earnings. However, there is still a strong stereotype that the catwalk is created exclusively for tall and thin girls. Because of this, many people perceive informal models as cheerful fat girls with the motto “the more overweight, the better”.

In fact, classic plus-size models look after their bodies no less than their slim, if not anorexic, colleagues. Perhaps not everyone knows that the owners of lush forms are also seriously engaged in fitness, but on a special program. To make a large body look attractive and seductive is an extremely difficult task, but non-standard top models have brilliantly mastered this skill.
So what is the secret of training plus-size models?

Love yourself for who you are

The plus-size category appeared in the modeling business thanks to the philosophy of bodypositive, i.e. refusing to chase imposed standards and accepting your body as it is. The example of models who have achieved success despite their large size helps millions of other obese women to love themselves and get rid of complexes.

Of course, in the bodypositive movement there are freaks with huge weight or disproportionately large parts of the body, but the queens of plus-size are mostly pretty girls with a dense but trim body. Thanks to fitness, they not only maintain the correct working parameters, but also draw energy for an active and busy life. Popular models and bloggers show by their example that excess weight is not a reason to close off from the outside world, and it is necessary to do sports not only for weight loss.

Powerful workouts from plus-size models

Many plus-size models regularly post on social networks records of training, confirming that fitness is not contraindicated even for those who are afraid of losing the opulence of forms. So, the American star of modeling business Ashley Graham every day performs physical exercises, and in no small volume.

The girl works mainly on the upper part, pumping arms and shoulders. She believes that even a lush body can and should look beautiful thanks to the seductive curves and clarity of lines. One of her favorite workouts incorporates elements of Pilates and powerlifting. Ashley does the folding knife exercise, abs twists, and biceps and triceps exercises on a block powerlifting machine. A lap of such a workout takes less than three minutes. The model recommends doing up to five laps.

In addition, Graham spends a lot of time on the treadmill, enjoys boxing and jumping rope. And her arsenal also includes unusual exercises for functional readiness, developed by a personal trainer. For example, she flips car tires or hits them with a sledgehammer.

Why doesn’t the model lose weight with intense workouts?

Ashley Graham advises subscribers to alternate between different types of physical activity, work out with a friend or girlfriend, emphasize the regularity of exercise, and be sure to go to the gym in bright and sexy clothes. The model is sure that training should bring joy. In addition, even plus-size models appreciate a clearly defined waist.

For excessive love of fitness girl often criticized. They say, why make fun of yourself, if you do not want to lose weight. Ashley’s answer looks convincing:

I train to stay healthy and energetic, easier to bear the change of time zones, to be cheerful and easy on the rise. I want to show other obese girls that we can exercise and take care of ourselves just as well as skinny girls. I like my body, I’m not ashamed of it.

Graham is often asked why she manages not to lose weight with such intense exercise. The answer is simple. The girl does not follow diets, eats a lot of unhealthy and fatty foods, although she adheres to some dietary rules. For example, in the morning she drinks a glass of warm water with lemon and a green smoothie with cayenne pepper, and in the evening tries not to eat meat. However, Ashley loves pizza, chocolate pasta, pasta, mashed potatoes with butter, so she easily replenishes the calories she burns in the gym. That’s why Ashley doesn’t lose weight. It’s also why she’s exercising in the wrong heart rate zones for fat burning.

Fitness for the extra large

More well-fed models do not forget to look after themselves. Tess Holiday weighs 127 kg and loves every gram of her body. The girl, who professes body positivity, made a real revolution in the modeling business, when in 2018 she got on the cover of the international version of Cosmopolitan magazine. The American is not shy about her outstanding size, does not recognize loose clothing and flaunts a happy personal life: a handsome husband and two children.

Tess is often harassed by detractors for promoting unhealthy lifestyles and morbid obesity, but the model is not against exercise. With such weight, you need to pay special attention to the joints, on which falls a huge load. Therefore, Tess chooses calm forms of yoga and light stretching. Experts also advise large people to dance, pilates and swimming, and in the gym should work with light or medium weights.

The main thing is to remember that sports are useful for people of any weight and age. You just need to choose your format, which will benefit your body and bring you pleasure.

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