The doctor named 4 cases when sugar is necessary and even useful

It is commonly believed that foods are divided into “good” and “bad”. The second type is usually excluded from the diet for various reasons: to lose weight, to become healthier. The most harmful of them are usually called sweets, but the golden rule works here: everything is good in moderation. Even sugar can sometimes help, not harm.

Ilya Almazov

The product is useful only in a certain amount, otherwise it is “poison”. Sugar has a meager chemical composition – pure sucrose, in which there are only simple carbohydrates. The benefit of this white powder is to get quick energy. These are the occasions when it can and even should be eaten.

When can sugar be beneficial?

When there is a strong emotional tension. A piece of sweet product will come in handy if a person in the process of solving difficult tasks or a difficult life situation has a strong decrease in blood glucose levels. This condition is usually accompanied by poor health, cold sweat, a feeling of intense hunger.

To quickly remedy the situation, it is enough to eat something sweet. Sugar as a simple carbohydrate will help relieve the resulting weakness. If such cases are repeated too often, then you should consult a specialist.

To restore energy reserves after a workout. Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index are well suited for situations where a person needs to restore internal energy reserves in a short period of time. In addition to sugar, such foods include: pastries, white rice and bread, fruits, instant cereal.

When there is no choice. For example, if you are very hungry, but there is nothing at hand, and the nearest store is a few kilometers away. In this case, a small snack in the form of ice cream or sweet yogurt will not hurt.

If you once eat a dessert and replace it with lunch, rather than prefer to endure hunger until the evening, you will do your body only better.

  • First, it will reduce the risk of overeating for dinner, when the feeling of hunger will be even stronger.
  • Secondly, any sweet product, except sugar, even cookies, contains other useful substances (protein, fats).

Thus, performance will not suffer, and you will not experience problems with well-being.

If a person can not eat regular food. Sugar is used as a glucose solution for intravenous administration. Glucose is needed to maintain the energy of patients who cannot eat a full meal on their own. In addition, the sweet product is used in the manufacture of tablets and various syrups.

To increase blood pressure.

Does the brain need sugar?

Alena Denisova

The most common example of the use of sugar for good, which comes to almost everyone’s mind – a chocolate bar on an important test or credit. Glucose is the main source of energy for the whole body, including the brain.

Sugar comes in handy at the moment of tension, when it is necessary to switch attention, to bring the emotional state to normal. However, this does not mean that the brain needs gingerbread, sweet sodas and similar products. Preference is better to give dark chocolate with a high cocoa content.

In this case:

  • memory and abstract thinking are improved;
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. There are certain bacteria in the stomach that can ferment dark chocolate into anti-inflammatory compounds that are good for the heart.

As mentioned above, sugar is a source of energy. In all cases, it saturates the body and triggers the necessary vital processes. In general, when consuming any kind of product, including sweets, the measure is important. Overabundance leads to health problems.

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