“The effect was there, but I overlooked an important point.” How I gave myself an anti-cellulite massage

Our reader shared her experience of fighting cellulite at home.

Personal story

I confess, I used to think that cellulite does not shine on thin girls. What was my surprise (and disappointment) when I found cellulite on myself. My weight is 55 kg, very thin waist, but big butt – just there and appeared “orange peel”.

In fact, quite an understandable reason for the appearance – since childhood I love everything harmful (fast food, chips, breadcrumbs and other snacks). Therefore, in order to solve the problem, I had to completely change my diet.

I fought with this problem in different ways found on the Internet:

  • drink enough water per day;
  • do sports (it is better if it is strength training);
  • eat right (exclude chips, coffee and chocolate);
  • use various anti-cellulite creams;
  • do anti-cellulite massage.

I want to tell you more about the last option. I tried anti-cellulite massage with special vacuum cans for a month, 3-4 times a week, 20 minutes a day. The result was not wow, but the changes became noticeable.

I applied body oil to my skin, distributed it over the surface of my thighs. Then I took the jar in my hands and, starting from the knee, lifted it up. I massaged the “ears” on my thighs with intense circular movements. The procedure is painful and can traumatize the skin, so I was as careful as possible.

What exercises will help to remove cellulite? In the link trainer named 3 of the most effective.

Cellulite is not completely gone, of course, but the skin smoothed and tightened. However, after some time I found vascular stars and bruises in places where the massage, so I no longer practice this method of fighting cellulite. I decided to emphasize nutrition and sports.

Doctor’s opinion

Elena Terebneva

expert nutritionist of the company – the manufacturer of biocomplex “First Living Collagen”

If cellulite you have gained weight and need to lose weight, you can not impoverish the diet. The norm of protein – about 80 g per day, fat – 60 g, carbohydrates – 100 g and below. Until you reduce the volume of bloated adipocytes (adipose tissue cells), everything else is meaningless.

What could be the causes of cellulite?

Varicose veins

Cellulite and varicose veins, like some other diseases, reinforce each other. If the doctor in this case says about the need for surgery, it is better to believe him, because the scale of the problem may increase.

Excess salt in the diet

Even ordinary food in cafes and restaurants is over-salted. With age, the body becomes more sensitive to salt, and we swell easily.

Habit of eating at night

Eating before going to bed eventually leads to edema. Excessive alcohol also causes water retention. A combination of eating and drinking alcohol at night is swelling for three days. Any chronic diseases – tonsillitis, diseases of the ENT organs – cause difficulty in lymphatic circulation and swelling, provoking the appearance of cellulite.

Violation of drinking regimen

Lack of water leads to thickening of lymph (colorless liquid that fills the lymph capillaries and vessels). This also provokes cellulite.

Sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that our muscles, like rags, hardly contract and do not help the flow of lymph, provoking swelling and cellulite.


Negative emotions and sleep deprivation lead to a chronic increase in the stress hormone cortisol, which also provokes increased swelling and cellulite.

Hormonal disruption

The second half of the menstrual cycle – from day 14 to the onset of menses – is the time when progesterone is weaponized. This hormone also leads to increased puffiness and pronounced cellulite phenomena.

Dietary rules for cellulite

  • Breakfast. Predominantly eggs combined with vegetables or cottage cheese with yogurt.
  • Lunch: Protein food (poultry, lean beef, fish), also in combination with vegetables. Plus a side dish, but no more than 100 g in ready form.
  • Snack. Fruit or berries (not more than 200 g at a time).
  • Dinner. Ideally fish or seafood and vegetables (in the form of salads, grilled or stewed).
  • Drinking regimen: 1 liter per 30 kg of body weight.

Exclude: sweets, fast food, sausages and confectionery, snacks, breadcrumbs, fruit juice, pickled vegetables and pickles.

Did you know that there was no cellulite in the USSR? Read more about it at the link.

Contraindications to anti-cellulite massage

Massage is not recommended for children under three years old and elderly people over 80 years old. Among the contraindications are also:

  • any tumors;
  • acute inflammatory processes, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • tendency to the formation of blood clots (blood clot) or, conversely, to hemorrhage;
  • periodic convulsive seizures;
  • pregnancy;
  • purulent and fungal skin lesions;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart attack, arrhythmia, stroke);
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • urolithiasis, cholelithiasis;
  • wounds and abrasions in the treated area.
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