The story of “dolphin man” Jacques Mayol and 5 principles of his incredible life

Jacques Mayol became world famous in 1988 after the release of the movie “The Blue Abyss”. The story of the diver’s life was inspired by the famous director Luc Besson. This was reflected in the movie. Mayol himself acted here as a consultant and screenwriter. This is how the general public learned the name of the legendary athlete and philosopher. Mayol is a multiple world champion in freediving. It was he who was the first to reach 100 meters of depth with breath-holding.

First steps in freediving

Jacques Mayol was born on April 1, 1927 in a French family that lived in Shanghai. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a pilot, but he was also fascinated by the underwater world. The second dream overpowered, but to make steps towards its realization was not immediately possible. Jacques’ family moved first to Algeria and then to Morocco. Here it was difficult to realize the plans to conquer the depths.

On his return to France, Mayol tried many professions. He worked as a logger, actor, journalist, writer, pianist and even a treasure hunter.

Jean-Marc Barr as Jacques Mayol in

Jean-Marc Barr as Jacques Mayol in the movie “The Blue Abyss”

Once Jacques was ordered a special report for a Canadian radio station. He had to cover an incredible event – the operation of a dolphin, which was carried out directly underwater. Mayol coped with his task. This work became fateful for him. Jacques decided to stay to work at the aquarium. He became a trainer of dolphins. Here the future diver and began to think about the fact that there is a strong emotional bond between man and these animals.

“I was taught everything by a dolphin named Clown, whose movements I watched closely. He showed me how to hold my breath longer and longer, how to let the water rock me like a cradle, how to completely merge with my environment – relaxed, effortless, with maximum economy of movement,” Mayol said.

Jacques Mayol

Jacques Mayol

Already in the research center in Key Biscayne, Jacques concluded that the functioning of the internal systems of the human body and dolphins are very similar. He decided: if they are able to easily dive to a depth of more than 100 meters, then he can.

In 1966, Jacques was offered to take part in a deep diving tournament without scuba diving. He was 39 years old at the time. At that age, sports careers do not usually start. But Mayol was not just able to take part in the competition, he immediately broke into the ranks of the leaders. That’s how his diving practices began.

When the diver took his first steps in freediving, the dive record was 41 meters. It was set by Enio Falco and Alberto Novelli from Italy. Mayol was able to beat this record by almost three times.

Historic dive

On November 23, 1983 in Italy on the island of Elba, Jacques Mayol made a dive to 105 meters. At that time he was already 49 years old. Despite his age, the Frenchman risked to participate in a tournament among professional divers. His rival was the Italian Enzo Mallorca.

The descent was made from the ship “Elbano Uno”. The ship had a nylon rope with a metal circle at the end, to which tokens with markings were attached. The athlete was to pluck a number at the depth that was reached. During training, Jacques dived only to 96 meters, but at the competition he was still able to set a record.

It seemed that everything was against him: weather conditions (a storm was expected), lack of people in the team, Mayol’s condition (he got a burn before the tournament). Nevertheless, everything went well. The total dive time was 3 minutes and 40 seconds. The next day, the headlines of the world media wrote about the Frenchman’s incredible success.

Jean-Marc Barr as Jacques Mayol in

Jean-Marc Barr as Jacques Mayol in the movie “The Blue Abyss”.

What else did he do?

Jacques Mayol was not only interested in sports. He was an active conservationist and devoted many years to the study of the ocean. Mayol raised questions of its protection and importance for man. He also opened several diving schools.

Jacques was also a researcher, so he studied human capabilities while diving. For example, he performed breathing techniques from yoga or was in the water at different temperatures. This allowed him to analyze changes in body parameters.

Among other things, Jacques Mayol is known as a writer and thinker. In his book “A Dolphin Among Men”, he raised philosophical questions about the relationship between man and the ocean.

Jacques Mayol and his book

Jacques Mayol and his book

How did Jacques Mayol die?

The life of the legendary athlete ended tragically. In 2001, Jacques Mayol committed suicide. This act was preceded by a long depression. The tragedy occurred in Italy, in his own villa. The day before his death, Jacques’ neighbors saw him diving in the local reservoir. He was already 74 years old at the time.

Some researchers have come to the conclusion that the cause of the unstable mental state of Jacques Mayol was his diving to the depths. All professional freedivers suffer from depression, impaired coordination and cognitive function. This is due to damage to the central nervous system, particularly the brain.

Rules of life and quotes by Jacques Mayol

1. Trust yourself and your experience:

From the moment you start analyzing something, the very essence of things is lost. I realized that life is beyond any definition. The only thing you can trust is your own experience.

2. To dream passionately:

My ideal is to get close to the marine environment, to conquer it, not by breaking in, but by growing into it, to eventually become one with the water. I’m probably a dreamer with my feet on the ground and my head in the water.

I would rather be lost in passion than lose my passion.

3. To feel connected to nature:

I overcome 10 meters and open one eye to look at the depth gauge… Everything is going well. I try not to think about anything, to merge with the environment, to become one with the ocean, to become “the sea”. I feel myself lengthening, dissolving and merging with it.

4. To be free:

To be free like a wild animal. To dive naked like a dolphin into the depths of the sea. To soar high into the endless blue of the sky. And soar silently above the limited world of modern man. To mingle with the air or melt in the water, becoming one with nature and rediscovering one’s self.

6. Pursue one’s purpose, no matter what:

Are you saying that a person staying underwater for 10-15 minutes is fantastic? In my opinion, it is just a goal to strive for.

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