Tight abdomen and beautiful posture: how to properly train the cor

Victoria Voskoboynikova, a personal instructor of the World Class fitness centers network, tells us about the role cortical muscles play for the human body and how to train them competently.

From the very beginning: what is a kor?

Most people think that kor is the proverbial cubes. In fact, it is a whole system, our center of strength, where a large number of muscles are involved. We don’t even see them on the outside. In other words, the kor is the muscle that keeps the spine in a safe neutral position. It must work to control the lower back and eliminate unwanted movement in it, to ensure that force impulse is transmitted through the body – for example, from the legs to the arms or when lifting weights.

The cortical muscles can be divided into two groups:

  • Local (primary) stabilizers. They create intra-abdominal pressure and fix the lower back during movement. These are the transverse, multifidus and internal oblique muscles, as well as the diaphragm, pelvic floor muscles, etc.
  • Global stabilizers. On their coordinated work depends on the position of the pelvis and thorax relative to each other. For example, the gluteus maximus muscle can be referred to this group.

Only the synergy of all stabilizer muscles will give us effective and safe movement.

How will the body change if you regularly train the bark muscles?

It is important to have a strong and functional cortex. The scourge of our time – hypodynamia (reduced mobility) – is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle. It entails a number of health problems, negatively affects the body shape and fat-muscular component.

When a person is faced with weight gain, he often starts to throw himself “in all the graces”, choosing the most intensive training with complex exercises. But does not evaluate the most important thing: the state of the muscles of the cortex and the presence of imbalances.

By the way, strong dissatisfaction with the appearance of both men and women is caused by the shape of the abdomen. And begin twisting, lifting the body, diets … Sometimes it is not a decisive factor. Imagine: a weakened cor is weak abs and passive buttocks. What do we have? A forward tilt of the pelvis and a “falling out” belly, a perpetually aching lower back, and the inability to actively train. It is worthwhile to correctly position the pelvis and chest relative to each other, strengthening the cor, and immediately there will be a posture, the belly will not fall out, and the back will not hurt from walking. The visual effect is obvious!

Features of classes

The muscles of the cor are just like other muscles. Therefore, you need to train them regularly, but without fanaticism. The option of “100 twists” is not suitable here. Exercises to strengthen the cortex are more often aimed at static work on the resistance of the lumbar region to bending or hyperextension in the anteroposterior direction, lateral flexion and rotation around its axis.

In most basic exercises, the cortical muscles are constantly engaged if proper technique is followed. Therefore, special exercises for these muscles can act as an extra touch at the beginning of a workout – to activate the deep muscles for better performance.

5 bark muscle exercises for home workouts

All of them are aimed at stabilizing the spine. With the correct selection of the level of difficulty and correctly built progression, there are no contraindications to them. Except for the period of acute painful phases in spinal herniations, for example. Also choose the lighter variations from the second trimester of pregnancy. Some exercises will require modification of the starting position, because in such a period I do not recommend lying on your back for a long time.

Other exercises for different muscle groups can be found in our Instagram, in the current “Be in shape”.

Shoulder bridge

Helps improve spinal mobility and posture, work on chest flexion mobility, awaken the muscles of the back of the thigh and buttocks, and train the body to use leg support while lengthening the front of the thigh and lumbar region.

Starting position: lying on the back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor at a distance of one foot from the buttocks to the heels. Head, chest, pelvis and feet are in line in neutral. Support on the sacrum and back ribs, shoulder blades.

Begin to rest your feet on the floor and feel the pelvis lift easily. Allow it to rise higher by stretching the front surface of the hips. Pull your knees forward. Pull your pelvis and tailbone toward your knees. At the top point, soften your sternum, neck, lower jaw. Feel that you are resting well on the lower edge of your shoulder blade. Lower slowly from the sternum, vertebra by vertebra. Return to the starting position.

Dead bug

Works the deep muscles, including the pelvic diaphragm musculature. The exercise is good for cortical stabilization, improves posture and coordination, and increases strength levels for sports. The main goal is axial extension and center control.

Starting position: lying on your back, shoulders pulled down toward the pelvis, lower back and shoulder blades pressed to the floor. Knees above the hip joints, palms on the knees.

Simultaneously straighten the same arm and leg and move them towards the floor. Then return to the starting position and repeat the movement with the opposite arm and leg. The amplitude and angle of the work is determined by proper technique – a pressed lower back.

Shoulder bridge on one leg

Follow the same technique as in the regular shoulder bridge, only rest on one leg. The other leg can be kept bent over the floor, stretched upwards or rested with the ankle on the knee of the supporting leg.

Bird-dog from quadruped position

An exercise to engage the anterior abdominal wall. With proper breathing, it helps to work the abs and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Teaches to stabilize the lower back for those with pain, herniated discs and protrusions. Suitable as a restorative exercise for those who have had cavity surgery – only after consultation with a doctor.

Contraindications: acute pathologies of wrist and knee joints.

Starting position: palms under the shoulder joints, knees under the hip joints, look at the floor.

Feel the axial extension of the spine through the top of the head forward and through the tailbone backward. Do not sag at the joints or sag in the lower back, press all the toes of your hands into the floor. Take an inhale and three short exhales, pulling the abdominal wall toward the spine. Once again inhale with your abdomen tightened, and on the exhale, straighten your hip, extending your leg parallel to the floor. Then raise the opposite arm. Stretch into a long stretch, hold the static position for 2-4 breath counts. Next, keeping the body in a neutral position, perform hip and shoulder flexion and extension.

In a simplified version, start lifting one leg and then one arm at a time. Then combine the lifts of opposite arms and legs. For the advanced version, add a twist. Bending, touch your nose to your knee, then return the body to a neutral position by extending your leg and arm.

Side plank

Activates the gluteus medius muscle.

Starting position: lying on your side, straight line from the top of the head to the pelvis. Arm bent at the elbow, forearm and heel resting on the floor, foot pulled toward you.

As you exhale, pull your pelvis off the floor and lift up, as you inhale, return to the starting position. Try not to sway and keep the body straight. In a lighter version you can bend the supporting leg in the knee at an angle of 90 degrees. In a more complicated version, take your free leg away and do not rest it on the floor. Alternatively, add dynamics and lead off with the free leg.

One-leg bends with a straight back and hip flexion.

Improves the ability to balance while standing on one leg.

Starting position: standing on one leg, knee slightly bent. The free leg is bent at the knee so that the shin is perpendicular to the floor. The back is straight, the pelvis is slightly pulled back and does not fall to the side, the shoulder blades tend to it, the abdominal muscles are active.

As you exhale, tilt the body forward as far as you can. At the same time, extend your arms forward and the free leg back so that the body forms a straight line. Try to keep your balance. Hold at the far difficult point and slowly return to the upright position.

If you perform these exercises regularly in 1-3 rounds, they will help you strengthen your corgi even at home. But remember, pre- and post-workout nutrition is also important. Lifestyle is important! And if you are just getting acquainted with fitness, start with the basics: technique and adequate loads. This will allow a gentler entry into the process.

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