What a balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner look like. Example of a menu for the day

What a balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner look like. Sample menu for the day

What a balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner look like

This way you will definitely not stay hungry and you won’t get full.

What to eat during the day to avoid being hungry? How to make a balanced menu for the day?

Tell us together with a nutritionist.

Lydia Kvashnina


If you do not adhere to any nutrition protocol (for medical reasons), it is best to focus on the Harvard plate of healthy eating.

In that case, your plate for both breakfast, lunch, and dinner should look something like this:

  • 50% – fiber;
  • 25% – proper proteins;
  • 25% – complex carbohydrates.

You can add some sweets to your breakfast if you find it hard to do without them. And for breakfast and lunch, some healthy fats.


Vegetables and fruits can be anything: raw, stewed, steamed, fermented. You can experiment with colors and composition to your liking. Greens are also never in short supply. And greens with bitterness also helps bile flow. So go for spinach, arugula, watercress, mustard leaves and turnip leaves.

The right proteins

They can be of plant origin – legumes and nuts, and animal origin – poultry, fish and seafood, eggs, sometimes red meat (for example, once a week). Why you should not eat it every day, read in the article at the link.

Complex carbohydrates

These include coarse bread, uncooked rice, pasta from whole-grain flour, porridge.

Useful fats

It is not necessary to exclude them from the diet. In cooking, you can use vegetable oil of the first cold-pressed, ghee, less often – butter. And do not forget about nuts and seeds – it is best to soak them before use. Why it is necessary, read in the article at the link.

You can also add dairy products (sources of protein and fats) to your diet, if you are not lactose intolerant. Preference should be given to fermented cottage cheese and kefir, hard fermented cheeses.

What a balanced menu for the day looks like

Breakfast – avocado toast with red fish, cucumber and arugula and yogurt with blueberries

  • Carbs – toast;
  • fats – red fish;
  • protein – fish, yogurt;
  • fiber – cucumber, arugula, blueberries.

Lunch – chickpea and cauliflower soup

  • fats – ghee oil, olive oil;
  • protein – chickpeas;
  • fiber – cauliflower, onions, carrots.

Dinner – turkey fillet with vegetables in garlic-mint glaze

  • fats – yogurt;
  • protein – turkey fillet, yogurt;
  • fiber – zucchini, cherry tomatoes.
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