What are the benefits of yeast-rich foods and what happens if you eat too much of them?

Yeast are living substances that are comparable in nature to mushrooms. But, unlike aspenberries and fly agaricides, they have a special way of reproduction. Researchers drew attention to this back in the XVII century. It was then that a scientific discovery officially proved the interesting nature and useful properties of yeast.

Before the conclusion of scientists, they had already been used for thousands of years for the benefit of cooking. Back in ancient Egypt, people learned to bake bread, brew beer, infuse wine, without going into the details of biological processes.

Today, yeast is derived on an industrial scale in specialized laboratories. It is no longer necessary to conjure and create sourdough starter – it is enough to go to the store and buy the right amount of product.

However, we should not forget that, in addition to useful properties, organisms, like any living structures, have negative sides. What will happen to the intestines if you eat more than the prescribed norm of yeast, and in what products are they most of all?

Elena Gnezdilova

Nutriciologist, health coach, psychologist

The nutritional value of living substances is very high. 66% of their mass is protein, and 10% are amino acids. They also have fiber, fatty acids, B vitamins, micro- and macronutrients. Yeast, like bacteria, are important substances for the full functioning of all systems of the human body. But it is important to distinguish between “useful” and “pathogenic” substances. If the former are necessary as a source of energy, the latter can cause many diseases.

Yeast can be divided into two main groups: those that get with food to a person, and those that are already in the body. The second “inhabit” our intestines from birth, and you should not be afraid of this. They have their own important functions.

But to control the amount of the first group is able to everyone – it is enough to make a proper diet taking into account the knowledge of the product.

Where is yeast contained?

Every day we consume several types:

Baking. Contained not only in baked goods, but also on the surface of many grains in the natural nature.

Brewers. Recently, in addition to brewing, they have been used as a dietary supplement.

Dairy. Dairy sourdough helped to invent useful tasty products: kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt and others.

Wine. They are found in large quantities on the shell of many fruits and berries.

And what about yeasts that “live” in our intestines? Such a variety was called conditionally pathogenic. They play an important role in digestion and help to assimilate nutrients, and are responsible for the well-being of the stomach.

But if the balance of intestinal microflora is disturbed in the body for various reasons, in addition, a lot of sugar and flour products are introduced into the diet, then from conditionally pathogenic yeasts move into the category of harmful.

A person in this case begins to worry about the well-known candidiasis. The disease is manifested by various symptoms: thrush, skin lesions, nails, gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity.

With a confirmed diagnosis – candidiasis – doctors do not recommend the use of products containing yeast in its composition, in order to avoid even more fermentation in the intestine.

From the diet are excluded: vinegar, beer, wine, kefir, kombucha – a trendy drink resembling a tea mushroom. You should also limit the consumption of fruits and dried fruits, mushrooms, sugar, legumes, cereals and vegetables with starch.

If the body is healthy and fully functioning, however, yeast is essential. They do a tremendous job of maintaining internal balance.

Remember, as with anything, moderation is necessary when eating foods containing yeast. Uncontrolled eating will also lead to bowel disorders.

The secret of yeast: entering the intestine even in a nanodose, they saturate it with all the essential amino acids. This is a point that vegetarians can take note of. These living substances can become an alternative to animal protein.

The list of foods that have a high calorie content and interfere with weight loss can be read HERE.
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