What is pigeon pose and what are its health benefits?

Perhaps one of the most graceful asanas is the pigeon pose. It is often seen in the photos in the Instagrams of yoga lovers. However, it is not so easy to perform it as it seems at first sight. Together with the hatha yoga instructor Alexandra Churkina we understand what the pigeon pose is and how it is useful.

What is the pigeon pose and how to perform it?

In translation from Sanskrit the name of asana Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana means: “eka” – one, “pada” – foot, “raja” – king, “kapota” – pigeon.

What is the correct way to perform asana?
From the position “Downward-facing dog” exhale and bring forward the right leg bent in the knee and put it on the floor. Smoothly lower your pelvis to the floor, keeping it in a closed position (both iliac bones facing forward). As you inhale, raise your body to an upright position and then bend your left leg, pointing the foot toward your head. Taking your hands back, alternately grasp the foot with your hands. Hold the asana for a few breathing cycles.

How can you simplify the asana?
Make a grip on the shin: take your hands back without raising them up.
Use the strap: use the strap to grasp the foot.

What are the contraindications?

  • Hernias, protrusions and pain in the lumbar spine;
  • injuries of the knees, pelvis, shoulder joints.

What is the benefit of asana?
Hip joints are opened, thus improving blood circulation in the pelvis, and hence the condition of the genitourinary system.
The mobility of the spine is increased.
The shoulder girdle is opened.

What asanas help to get rid of extra pounds, see in the video “Championship”.

Eka pada raja kapotasana is a very deep pose that requires preparation. It should be performed after a quality warm-up, or better – after a whole complex aimed at mastering it. Simplified variants can be done after an ordinary warm-up.

Since this asana assumes a rather deep bend, do not forget to perform compensations, for example, shashankasana (hare pose).

What other asanas are called pigeon pose?

The name Ardha Hamsasana is translated from Sanskrit: “ardha” – half, “hamsa” – swan. Generally it is known as swan pose, but it is also often called pigeon pose.

How to perform asana correctly?
From the position “Downward-facing dog” exhale and bring forward the right leg bent in the knee and put it on the floor. Place your left foot on the floor (lift toward the floor). Smoothly lower your pelvis to the floor, keeping it closed (both iliac bones facing forward). As you inhale, raise the body to an upright position and extend the arms upwards, keeping the shoulders down, do not clasp the neck. Tighten the abdomen. Do not crane your neck back.

How can I simplify the asana?
Put a special block or a folded blanket under the buttock of the bent leg. If the position with arms stretched upwards is difficult, you can put them on the floor. At the same time, pull the mat under yourself. This will help not to paw the lower back, but on the contrary, pull it out.

Another option that can be used as a pose for relaxation and opening the hip joints is Ardha Hamsasana with an incline. In this case, after you have brought the bent leg forward, do not lift the body, but instead lie on the thigh of the bent leg. Extend the other leg backwards and place it on the lift. Lower your head to the floor, stretch your arms forward along the floor.

Stay in this position for several breath cycles, allowing the pelvis to sag lower. While performing the asana, gently open the hip joint of the bent leg. Be sure to repeat the pose on the other side.

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