What shouldn’t you eat after a workout to avoid gaining weight?
Convenient and seemingly healthy snacks are not always the best option.
To get a beautiful and trim body, it’s not enough to go to the gym regularly and not shirk your workouts. The way to a desirable figure lies through a healthy lifestyle, including competent planning of your diet. It is necessary not only to include in the menu of useful products, but also to know what and at what time it is better to eat. For example, after a workout, it is worth refraining from some food. We tell you why and from what.
We live in a highly personalized world where anyone who cares about their healthy future can customize their diet and workout plan and get great results in return.
What should I not eat immediately after a workout?
A lot of energy is expended during exercise, so many people have a beastly appetite immediately afterward. Some even take a snack with them to wait for the next meal. But do not rush to throw yourself on bananas.
Lydia Kvashnina
Immediately after a workout, I would definitely not recommend eating fruits with a high glycemic index and easily digestible carbohydrates to prevent a sudden release of insulin into the bloodstream.
I categorically do not recommend eating fast carbs and all sorts of pseudo healthy processed foods (candy bars, snacks, buns, cookies), as well as sweet fruits and berries (grapes, pears, melon, watermelon, etc.).
Meal intake can be done within two hours of exercise. The exception is endurance training, when it is worth eating within the first 30 minutes after finishing.
Some people mistakenly believe that in the next half an hour after physical activity, you must necessarily eat carbohydrates and proteins. But this is a myth, nothing more. In fact, it does not matter how quickly after the workout you eat. It is more important to know the peculiarities of your body, which depend on age, gender, energy exchange, intensity of physical and mental stress.
Lidia Kvashnina
It is necessary to calculate the number of calories you need for the day, together with a specialist to determine the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and competently distribute them in the diet. The body works around the clock, even at night during sleep there is a growth of muscle tissue. That’s why it is so important to observe the sleep and wakefulness regimen.
What to eat after training, so as not to harm the body and do not interfere with weight loss?
If the purpose of training is to lose weight, it is necessary to know the cause of excess weight gain. If it lies in a deficiency of micro- and macronutrients (vitamin D, iron, magnesium, B vitamins), then first you need to choose a balanced diet and fill in the deficiencies. If the cause of unwanted pounds – in the failure of the hormonal system, it is worth to consult an endocrinologist and deal with this problem. If it is a matter of eating disorders, then it is necessary to get rid of addictions together with a psychologist.
Lydia Kvashnina
Universal advice simply does not exist, because everyone’s body is unique, has its own unique baggage of genetic mutations and health factors. Some people are shown interval fasting, and some people should not fast, some people should eat twice a day, and for some people the norm is 5-6 times.
Therefore, after you know what and in what quantities should be present in the diet, you can choose the frequency and time of meals yourself.
If you still need to eat after the class, you can snack on nuts, seeds, green vegetable smoothies with protein, collagen and fiber in plant milk.