What to do if your fingers swell after training? Useful complex for swelling

What to do if your fingers swell after training? Useful complex from swelling

A useful workout for swelling

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It doesn’t take much time.

Swollen hands after training are a problem not only for beginners, but also for experienced athletes. Swelling interferes with training, hands become heavy and can even hurt. In addition, it will take time to recover. Minimize unpleasant sensations will help a simple training complex. By the way, it will be very useful for athletes engaged in martial arts.

Exercises that you will learn about today, you can perform both after and during training, alternating them, for example, with blows on a punching bag. The complex will not take much time, but you will feel the result very soon. If swollen fingers are your frequent problem, don’t put it on the back burner and take a few minutes to warm up your hands.

The training was prepared by professional fighter Eduard Kuzminov, and he also gave tips that will be useful for both beginners and pros.

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