Why your stomach rumbles after eating. 6 possible causes

The most common cause of rumbling in the stomach is banal hunger. But what if it happens after eating? Sometimes this process indicates health problems. We tell you in which cases you should consult a doctor.

Irina Tereshchenko

Irina Tereshchenko

MD, doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics, SITILAB.

There are several possible causes of such discomfort.

Improper nutrition

Heavy food and carbonated drinks can provoke disorders of the digestive system. Rumbling and bloating can also occur with sweet baked goods, beer and other yeast-containing foods. Try to adjust your diet – perhaps the rumbling will go away on its own.


Improper diet, an abundance of heavy fatty foods, fast food, alcohol, stress, uncontrolled intake of antibiotics – all this disrupts the balance of microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, causing dysbacteriosis. With bloating, rumbling in the abdomen, discomfort, pain and stool problems, it is worth taking a laboratory test for dysbacteriosis.


To rule out the disease, see a gastroenterologist and take a 13C-urease breath test. This simple test will determine the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria – the main cause of gastritis.


Usually accompanied by severe pain in the upper abdomen, in the left subcostal region. Such pain increases after eating.

To detect pancreatitis, you need a comprehensive diagnosis: first check alpha-amylase, lipase, pancreatic elastase. These indicators change dramatically with pancreatic disorders.

Intestinal obstruction

The syndrome can be caused by infection, surgery, trauma, lack of necessary enzymes. Bowel obstruction promotes the multiplication of bacteria that produce large amounts of gas. This process is usually manifested by flatulence, abdominal pain, rumbling. But only a doctor will be able to determine the presence of the problem and its cause.

Irritable bowel syndrome

This is not an independent disease, but a whole complex of symptoms that occur for completely different reasons, from psychosomatics to physiological disorders. Without consulting a doctor can not do without it.

It is worth being alert if, in addition to everything else, you experience constant hunger. This may indicate the development of some diseases – what exactly, learn in our previous material.

Rumbling after eating – not such a harmless symptom, as it may seem at first glance. Sometimes it is enough to analyze your diet and add more fiber and clean drinking water. In some cases, you’ll have to get serious about your health.

If you have any symptoms, do not delay in seeing a doctor. This will save both time and your health.

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