Working out doesn’t make your waist thinner. What are you doing wrong?

Winter is just around the corner, but that’s no reason to eat olivier and hide your figure under baggy outfits. To look graceful in a tight dress at a New Year’s Eve party, extra kilograms will certainly not allow, and the main thing that will fall on your eyes is a thin waist. This is one of the criteria that we constantly want to put in order to make the silhouette visually more fragile. About how to achieve an aspen waist and avoid mistakes, tells fitness trainer of the World Class network Ekaterina Nekrasova.

It is worth understanding that the notorious 60 cm is not fair for everyone. Approximate parameters of the ideal waist – height minus 100 cm. And press exercises that girls like to do – it is not a panacea, and some of them even, on the contrary, expand the waist. Of course, much depends on physiological features. However, do not forget that the waist is the result of general work on yourself and the quality of the body, it will not appear by itself.

This is not the way to go: typical mistakes in the gym

Unfortunately, most fitness divas in Instagram ignorantly mislead their subscribers, and those immediately run blindly to repeat exercises for the waist in the gym. But, it turns out that some of them can lead to the exact opposite effect.

Catherine: To achieve a thin waist, you do not need to do 1000 exercises on the press, and certainly not trying to pump the oblique abdominal muscles. This is the mistake of many girls in the gym – to take a disk weighing five kilograms, stand sideways in the simulator “inclined hyperextension” and perform tilts to the side, hoping that the waist will become narrower. Quite the opposite, your oblique abdominal muscles will become bulkier, which in turn will visually make the waist wider.

It turns out that not all exercises are useful for your waist, if you want to see it thin and graceful. Therefore, in order to form a beautiful shape, more attention should be paid to the transverse abs.

The most ineffective and “dangerous” exercises for the waist:

Pay attention to the exercises listed below. Unfortunately, they will not help you remove extra centimeters in the waist. Moreover, at the first stage, if your muscles are covered with a thick layer of fat, you may not like the effect of training – the waist will become wider. If you don’t want to have strong pumped muscles in this area, forget it:

  • Side twists
  • Side bends with weights
  • Side bends while sitting on the floor

3 effective exercises for a slim waist

Straight twists

Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent on the floor.

As you exhale, pull your shoulder blades off the floor and “squeeze” your abs, staying in this position for a second. Return to the starting position. As soon as the shoulder blades touch the floor, perform 15-20 more repetitions of the same. It is important to exhale at each twist, it activates the transverse abdominal muscle, which keeps the abdomen flat.

Lift legs alternately

Starting position: lying on the floor, straight legs raised and directed to the ceiling.

As you exhale, alternately lower your legs. Do not try to lower too low, so that the lower back does not come off the floor. And be sure to exhale on each lowering of the leg – such 20-30 repetitions.


Perform in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bed on an empty stomach. Tilt your body forward and grasp your thighs with your hands. Exhale deeply and pull the abdomen back and up. Hold this position for a few seconds. Then inhale and exhale again in a circular motion. Start with 3-5 and increase to 10-15 seconds each day. Do 3 to 10 sessions.

Don’t forget: if you want to lose weight, no matter in your waist or belly, you don’t have to forget about your diet. Stick to the calorie allowance recommended for your age, gender and lifestyle.

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