10 ways to help improve your attention span and boost your performance

The issue of concentration is especially acute in recent decades, because it directly affects productivity and performance.

The fast rhythm of life, vast information space, and daily multitasking load the head to the maximum. There is literally no time left for a break and studying some tasks.

Such overload affects neural processes. If the first month of intensive work of the brain can pass without a trace, then over time there will be difficulties: decreased concentration, forgetfulness, distracted attention.

Surely many people are familiar with the condition when it is impossible to find glasses or phone charger left in a prominent place? These little things can be considered the first bells.

Further, if you continue to load the head, without taking breaks for rest, the processes will worsen. And there and to Alzheimer’s (brain disease) is not far away.

Knowing certain techniques, you can help yourself. First, you need to understand what the changes in brain function are related to. Sometimes it’s not just the intense work schedule.

Catherine of Tours

physician, psychosomatologist, neuropsychologist

Concentration can decrease for a variety of reasons: due to illness, lack of sleep, low motivation and even depression, as well as long-term anxiety states associated with high levels of stress. Determining the exact cause will help you develop an appropriate strategy to improve your focus.

Causes of decreased engagement and focus on goals


This manifests itself as lethargy, a constant desire to sleep, and an inability to focus on basic things. The cause of fatigue can be incorrectly calculated volume of tasks and incorrectly planned time for their fulfillment.

Lack of physical activity

The problem is especially acute in office workers and freelancers who have to sit at the monitor for eight hours, ignoring any physical activity. As a rule, such work does not involve a change of movement. The body is in one position for a long time and not always the right one.

Improper nutrition

Violation of the diet: irregularity of eating, constant snacking with a high sugar content negatively affects mental processes. Fast carbohydrates only briefly give recharge and energy. Meanwhile, nutrients in a balanced form are necessary for the brain as well as the intestines.

Excess of incoming information

With the development of social networks and various messengers, the flow of information avalanche poured out on users. Every minute the phone reports incoming messages, sometimes not within the framework of work activity. Extraneous materials interfere with concentration and focus.

Other distractions

These include extraneous sounds and visual stimuli. Trying to work and listen to music at the same time, turning on a TV show in the background, and working in noisy places.

Lack of interest in the task

No amount of motivation will make you perform a task well if it is unpleasant and discouraging. The brain will resist and constantly look for exciting experiences outside the scope of the goal.

Changes in the brain caused by disease

These can be congenital pathologies, as well as those that appeared as a result of living for various reasons, including after injuries. In this case, it is worth contacting specialists. Only a doctor will be able to determine what caused the decrease in concentration and memory impairment and what methodology to apply for treatment.

How to improve concentration, memory and attention

So, having identified on your own or with the help of specialists the moments that prevent you from being focused, you can proceed to the next step – to solve the problem. There are many possibilities in this direction, and it is not necessarily necessary to resort to the help of medical drugs.

One solution was proposed by entrepreneur Andrew Barnes in his book The Four-Day Week. The publication made a lot of noise and caught the public’s attention. In it, the author argues that reducing the time to work to four days a week will help people achieve the perfect balance between efficiency, productivity and rest.

There will be no overwork, no fatigue, and increased concentration,” the author believes.

The author’s ideas have not found a mass response. Employers are not yet ready to implement the theory of the writer and reduce the working schedule, but do not despair. Even with a long work week, there are ways to help yourself stay efficient, effective and focused on tasks.

Some methods may seem simple, but practicing them regularly will help you become focused and restore memory function.

Daily regimen

First and foremost, it’s important to get enough sleep. Make a habit of going to bed and getting up at the same time. It is necessary to allocate seven to eight hours for sleep. The brain needs adequate rest to think clearly and remember more information.


A great way to improve concentration and attention is to eat right. Stick to a balanced diet and reduce the amount of sugar you consume.


Not only does a session relax the body, but it also gives you the opportunity to turn off your brain activity. Meditative practices improve concentration and mood and have a positive impact on your ability to memorize professional terms.


Activity has a positive effect not only on the physical state, but also helps to fill the brain with oxygen. Intensive exercise increases blood flow, improving the connections between neurons. Great for this are sports such as running and swimming.

Brain training

The use of special programs, techniques to train memory and concentration improves the quality of thinking. Regular practice, including small routine tasks, already after a few weeks give positive results.

Turn off notifications

It is important to avoid noisy places and spaces with cell phone signal and other electronic influences. Secluded places are the go-to places for concentration and focus.

Favorable work environment

Create a comfortable place around you where you plan to work or study. Choose a comfortable chair, table. There should be sufficient lighting in the room. Try to make sure that extraneous noise does not penetrate and does not distract you from work.

Time Management

The use of time management techniques can greatly facilitate work and increase productivity. You can resort to the method of “tomato” Francesco Cirilo. It is named so because its creator used a timer in the form of a tomato. The method helps to break a complex task into small ones, so that a difficult work process does not seem agonizing.

Work should be broken into intervals of 25 minutes, followed by a five-minute break for rest. After eight such approaches, take a long break of 30 minutes.

Reward yourself for your work

Designate a way to reward yourself for a completed project. It could be watching a favorite movie, going to the store, the theater, or going on a trip to an interesting and meaningful place.

Regularity of activity

Like the body, the brain needs constant exercise. In order to improve neuron function, you need to stick to repetitive activities. For example, learning a foreign language will be much more effective if practiced daily.

Ways to increase concentration and attention in children

Children just like adults need additional stimulating exercises that improve brain function. Practicing for schoolwork is especially effective.

  1. Choose a specific time to do your lessons.
  2. Use a variety of interactive teaching methods.
  3. Come up with variations in the way you approach tasks.
  4. Create an interesting and cozy environment.
  5. Engage in physical activity with your child before doing a task.
  6. Prioritize tasks, starting with the easiest ones.
  7. Use rewards for successful completion of tasks.

The main task of modern man is to maintain psycho-emotional balance. Do not neglect the care of the brain. It is necessary for the prevention of burnout, nervous exhaustion and contributes to the improvement of cognitive abilities.

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