15 minutes of rest or 15 minutes of running – which is healthier for the brain?

Brain activity is the key to productive human performance, finding new ideas, solving complex problems. But how to make the brain work – to lie on the couch and relax or to do a couple of physical exercises? Let’s look into the question together with experts.

Dmitry Adushev

European Coaching Association coach, business coach

We are used to treating our thoughts in our head as something personal. But, in fact, they are not. All practices of bringing ourselves into a measured state and balance speak of the benefits of detachment and consciously “turning off” reactions to the thoughts flickering in our heads.

What is brain activity and how to “turn it on”

Let’s start with the fact that our brain controls our entire body, from breathing to digestion. It manages our sleep, sends signals to our muscles, and processes organ information.

Sometimes we feel that we have forgotten something, thoughts scatter, concentration goes away, search for solutions to a problem is suspended. It is in such moments that it is necessary to activate the work of the brain.

There are a number of ways to help the brain “turn on”:

  • exercise;
  • proper nutrition;
  • meditation;
  • listening to music;
  • normalizing sleep.

The British community of psychologists conducted an experiment: they asked participants (students) to rate their degree of activity after a 15-minute jog and a 15-minute rest. The students who went for a run subsequently performed well on the Trail Making Test, in contrast to the group of students who rested.

The more active the body, the more active the brain. If you are constantly lazy, the brain will fall into this state as well, so a little activity should be present in your life.

It is important to remember that physical activity is not only good for our body on the outside, but also for the body on the inside. Regular jogging, charging, walking helps to activate the brain and trigger the thinking process.

Dmitry: Why is physical activity and sport so relaxing? Firstly, we breathe, and the sound of our breathing is something that accompanies us throughout our lives, through exhalation excessive tension leaves us. Secondly, physical activity balances the emotional – it is as if on one side of the nervous system we tense the body, and on the other – through muscle tension we burn “excess” stress hormones. And thirdly, sport distracts and switches from the familiar world to the world of our ancestors, giving us a sense of competition and play.

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