Delicacy or danger? Experts have told whether it is dangerous to eat sea turtle meat

Sea turtle meat is a rare delicacy. All species are endangered and protected by international regulations. Nevertheless, it is still possible to taste this delicacy in some countries.

However, sea turtle meat is not recommended to eat not only because of ethical and environmental considerations, but also because it is extremely dangerous to health. Recall that in March 2024 on the island of Pemba in Tanzania, 78 people were poisoned by this delicacy. And nine victims could not be saved.

What is the danger of eating sea turtle meat? Find out with experts.

  • Is it dangerous to eat sea turtle meat?

  • Consequences

Is it dangerous to eat sea turtle meat?

Elvira Belyova

gastroenterologist, nutritionist.

“Sea turtle meat can pose a serious risk to humans for several reasons.”

The meat from these animals can contain a variety of bacteria, viruses and parasites. These include salmonella bacteria as well as mycobacteria, including species that cause tuberculosis in humans and other animals.

Sea turtle meat can also contain various dangerous toxins: heavy metals such as mercury, pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). These substances enter the animal’s body with food and can accumulate in the turtle’s tissues to levels that pose a risk to human health. Consumption of such meat can adversely affect the liver, kidneys, nervous system, and other organs, causing chronic illness and poisoning.


Natalia Tyurkina

Internationally recognized nutriciologist and instructor of nutritional science courses at Psychedemia

“One should think carefully before consuming sea turtle meat.”

One of the most dangerous infections that can be contracted from turtle meat is chelonitoxism, a rare disease that can lead to food poisoning and death. It is most commonly found in countries in the Indo-Pacific region, such as Madagascar and the Philippines.

There is no cure for this disease.

Chelonitoxism is caused by toxins produced by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). They affect the nervous system, liver and other human organs.

Poisoning can occur even through contact with contaminated water. The disease is manifested by both internal symptoms (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache) and external manifestations (rash, blisters, itching). Survivors may have permanent disability, including paralysis, and in severe cases death occurs. Children are particularly susceptible to this type of poisoning.

The toxin can be transmitted with breast milk from mother to infant.

Experts strongly discourage tasting sea turtle meat, and in case of numbness, tingling and itching in the mouth after eating fish and seafood, seek medical attention immediately.

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