What is the usefulness of bitter melon? What is this plant and who should not eat it?
Momordica, or bitter melon, is a medicinal plant. Of the common with the familiar melon in momordica except for the family – both belong to the pumpkin family. Shoots, fruits, stems and leaves of bitter melon contain a complex of useful nutrients for the body: iron, phosphorus, calcium, B vitamins and others. The red seed coat contains essential oil, which is also beneficial for health.
- stimulates insulin production;
- removes toxins and speeds up metabolism;
- reduces cholesterol levels.
How does bitter melon help to lose weight?
The plant is highly appreciated for its low calorie count. On 100 g of the product is only about 19 kcal, it is impossible to get better when using momordica.
Momordica contains dietary fiber, which increases protective function and helps to accelerate metabolism. It quite quickly removes excess fat, accelerates metabolism, helping in the fight for a slim figure.
As for the seeds of the plant, they have a sweet flavor, but they are quite hard. Before using them, they should be roasted – this will soften the seeds and they can be used in a salad or vegetable stew.
The leaves of the plant are also often added to salads, put in soups and second dishes.
I do not think you can eat a lot of it – the taste of bitter melon is very specific.
Can I eat bitter melon every day?
You can alternate between eating the fruit, leaves and seeds if it is so important for you to eat the same food every day. But I’m always against mono-diets in any form. The beauty of a balanced diet is its variety: tastes, colors, structures and compositions. Why impoverish your diet?
If your goal is to lose weight, here is a recipe for an infusion of seeds, which will help get rid of toxins, swelling, excess fat. You need to grind 20 g of momordica seeds in a coffee grinder, pour 250 ml of hot water and boil them for 10-15 minutes on low heat. Then let infuse in a warm dry place for 2-3 hours. After strain through a sieve and use daily 50 ml in the morning and evening.
Drink it for 21 days, and then take a break for a week.
Who should not eat bitter melon?
The plant is forbidden to consume at:
- individual intolerance;
- pregnancy;
- during lactation;
- in the presence of diseases of the adrenal glands, stomach, thyroid gland.