Age is not a barrier to sport, and it’s not a barrier to everything else, either – we’re sure of that. However, we recognize that over the years, the body changes far from for the better, and we need to be prepared for this. Every week, together with experts, we will tell you what you should pay attention to, how to use the changes for your own good, not to lose motivation for a healthy lifestyle and to train for pleasure, not as a burden.
Today we will talk about how the body changes in general after 30 years, what risks appear and how to deal with them.
orthopedic traumatologist, chief podiatrist of the OPTEKA salon chain.
The first changes in the body, caused by improper lifestyle and heavy loads, are noticeable already at the age of 30.
What changes in the body with age?
Crossing the 30-year mark, many people notice the first signs of aging.
- The main change is a slowdown in regeneration. The production of collagen and elastin decreases, the skin loses its former elasticity.
- Bones become less strong, the whole organism becomes less robust.
- After the age of 30, reaction speed decreases, so in many sports athletes end their careers early.
- The risk of injuries and chronic diseases increases.
- Cellular regeneration slows down in all organs, and even the brain suffers this fate.
- In the second half of life neural connections are formed more slowly, so from this age it is more difficult to learn foreign languages and assimilate new information.
doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics CITILAB
Of course, this is a gradual process, because irreversible changes do not happen overnight. However, from the age of 30 you should be much more attentive to your health and not neglect preventive examinations.
After this figure, the risk of many diseases increases, so once a year it is necessarily worth to take a general blood and urine test, advanced biochemical blood test, check sex hormones, thyroid hormones and control the level of trace elements.
What are the major problems that come after age 30?
Age hits the reproductive system
Fertility, i.e. the body’s ability to produce offspring, decreases – not only in women, but also in men. Genetic mutations (those that occur in the DNA) accumulate – this increases the risk of early miscarriage.
Pregnancy can be more difficult because of co-morbid chronic diseases that may not have been present at an early age.
Obstetrician-gynecologist, CITILAB expert
Age affects the ability to conceive and bear a healthy child. There used to be a term “old-born” – it was applied to women who gave birth to their first child at the age of 26. In today’s reality, when this age has shifted significantly, it sounds ridiculous.
Today, special treatment is given to women in labor over 35. Before that age, numbers usually do not play a significant role in the issue of pregnancy.
Oncologist at the CITILAB laboratory
Unfortunately, statistics show that cancer is getting younger every year. At the age of 30-40, the greatest risk of cancer is associated with hereditary pathologies of the stomach and intestines. As a preventive measure, you should also take tests.
Wear and tear on the spine
From constant static and dynamic loading, the musculoskeletal system wears out over time. This process is more intense due to sedentary work, low physical activity, unhealthy food. The first changes in the body caused by improper lifestyle and heavy loads are noticeable already at the age of 30. Any load-bearing structure wears out over time, and the human spine is no exception.
Sergei: Slouching while working at the computer, improperly selected pillow for sleep and mattress, too intense physical activity, heeled shoes – all this contributes to wear and tear of the spine and changes in its structure. Hence back pain appears even at a young age, which can grow into chronic pain.
Pain in the knee joint increases
Due to intensive sports, hard physical labor, improper footwear, excess weight, the joints suffer. Gradually the cartilage tissue wears out and does not recover.
Diseases of the feet develop
The most common is flatfoot. Many people live with this pathology and do not even suspect its presence, until a more serious stage with bothersome symptoms. Because of shoes with heels or, conversely, on a completely flat sole, the feet become flatter. Constant physical activity, excess weight and even pregnancy worsen the situation. By the age of 30, the first signs of the progressive stage of flat feet appear: fatigue and pain in the feet at the end of the day.
- It is necessary to avoid too intensive training – sports should always be moderate.
- A healthy diet helps to prevent excess weight and thus reduce stress on the musculoskeletal system.
- You should always wear proper footwear, which includes a heel of 2-4 cm, a wide toe and a form-fitting back. Heeled shoes, models with a narrow toe and shoes with a completely flat sole are best avoided.
Sergei: It is important to use orthopedic insoles to properly redistribute and reduce the load on the feet. Avoid problems with veins help warm-up exercises during the day. When we move, we work muscles that stimulate blood circulation. Compression knitwear and moderate sports (swimming, Nordic walking, running) also help with this. In general, modern lifestyle provokes aging of the body and wear and tear of its systems. Many diseases have also “rejuvenated”, so you should think about their prevention as early as possible.