How to escape the heat: 4 tips to avoid overheating

How to escape the heat: 4 tips to avoid overheating

Irina Yuzup

How to escape the heat: 4 tips from a doctor

In some cases, even vodka can help.

Irina Yuzup

MD, pediatrician, nutritionist, co-founder of UniProf Academy of Physicians.

Of course, there are banal truths: do not leave the house in the peak of heat (from 11:00 to 16:00-17:00), drink more water, take a shower at room temperature. But if you still need to go outside?

Adjust your diet

In summer, the body is reorganized, and first of all the thyroid gland. It is she takes the blow of the transition from season to season. Therefore, it is important to lighten the diet, reduce the immune load.

I recommend giving up all allergens, include in the menu more fresh seasonal vegetables, minimize heat treatment. It is important not to forget about fats (seeds, nuts, oils), but also do not pile on fruit (to avoid insulin spikes).

Give up alcohol

In the heat is not recommended to drink alcohol. Moreover, low-alcohol soft drinks can be much more dangerous than strong ones. For example, 50 g of vodka will help to cope with burning of the skin (stabilizing the external and internal body temperature), but the systemic use of beer and tonics will not do any good.

Drink mineral water

You need to drink a lot of water, but there is one thing. During active sweating we lose not only fluids, but also electrolytes. To replenish them and prevent dehydration and leaching of microelements, you can drink a course of table mineral waters or even include them in your daily drinking regimen.

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