How to gain weight without overeating: Prof. Kanevskaya gave 8 effective tips

Some people find it difficult to gain weight. No matter how hard they try, the coveted kilograms do not add up. Many envy this “superpower”, but weight deficiency, as well as overweight, can be caused by many reasons and can indicate a number of health problems, including serious ones.

Together with an expert, let’s find out why it can be difficult to gain weight and whether there are ways to cope with this problem on your own.

What we will tell you about

How to determine the weight deficit?

Svetlana Kanevskaya

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, expert of the medical center “Manor Medical” (Israel)

“A large amount of body fat can lead to overweight-related diseases and other serious problems. However, being underweight also poses health risks.”

So what weight is considered a healthy weight and how do you calculate it? Body Mass Index, or BMI, and waist circumference are screening tools to assess weight status in relation to potential health risks.

BMI is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can indicate high body fatness and a low BMI can indicate low body fatness.

The next step after determining BMI is to understand whether it is normal or not.

The resulting figure indicates potential risks to our health, which will require proactive action on our part and consultation with a doctor to develop a weight management plan.

What BMI indicates:

  • less than 18.5 – underweight;
  • 18.5 to 24.9 – healthy weight;
  • 25.0 to 29.9 – overweight.
  • 30.0 or higher – obese.

Diseases that cause weight loss

Weight deficiency can be caused by a variety of reasons. For example, improper diet, when the number of calories expended exceeds the number of calories gained. More often than not, however, weight gain problems are a marker of serious health problems. To determine the exact cause of your condition, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

The most common causes of weight loss and the development of weight deficiency are gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, as it is in this organ that all nutrients are digested and absorbed.

If a person has a GI disease that disrupts proper digestion, it is always followed by a deficiency of nutrient intake into the body and, as a consequence, a weight deficit.

Some of the most formidable GI diseases include:

  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn’s disease;
  • pancreatitis with the formation of external secretory insufficiency of the pancreas;
  • disorders in the gallbladder;
  • decreased acidity in the stomach;
  • worm infestations;
  • cancer of the stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines.

Endocrinologic diseases such as type 1 diabetes mellitus, thyroid hyperfunction and adrenal insufficiency also lead to body weight deficiency.

Neurogenic anorexia and severe depression can also be common causes of the formation of a pronounced weight deficit. In these cases, work with a psychiatrist is necessary.

How to gain weight and muscle mass?

Gaining body mass should be approached comprehensively. Svetlana Kanevskaya gave 8 tips that will help to achieve good results.

1. Go through a comprehensive check-up program. It is important to realize that you have no health problems. If an examination reveals them, the first thing to do is to start treatment.

Without this step, all the other tips may not work.

2. Watch your diet. Include calorie and nutrient rich foods in your diet: starchy vegetables, avocados, creamy soups, red meats, cheeses, nuts, nut butters and avocado oil. Salmon and protein smoothies are also excellent choices.

3. Eliminate a calorie deficit. If you are in a weight deficit, it is important to keep track of the calories eaten throughout the day and the number of calories a person expends. Many free calculators are available for this purpose, making it easy to monitor calories.

If you are in a weight deficit, your calorie intake should be 500 calories more than what you expend during the day.

4. Choose the right snacks. When underweight, nuts and protein bars are great.

5. Change the amount of food you consume. Try to increase your normal portion size.

6. Don’t forget about physical activity. Weight training promotes muscle growth and weight gain in a healthier way than just increasing your food intake. Use free weights, weight machines, your own body weight, or elastic bands. Exercising two to three times a week is recommended.

7. Refuse supplements. Don’t waste your time and money on supplements and products that promise to increase muscle mass. These claims have no scientific proof. Without regular workouts, there will be no muscle mass growth.

This also applies to people with somatic diseases. If the cause of the disease is not addressed, no supplements will help.

8. If necessary, use special means. For weakened patients, there are special nutritional mixtures, which include all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. They are prescribed to patients with severe diseases to support the body and rapid recovery. This can be an oral mixture (meaning it comes by mouth) or intravenous “nutrition”.

It is important to realize that this has nothing to do with the supplements we are used to, but is a therapeutic food with proven efficacy.

Also note the mistakes that get in the way of achieving perfect form.

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