How to release aggression in an environmentally friendly way? 6 techniques from a psychologist

Experiencing negative emotions is a normal state of mind. You should not be afraid of sudden anger or irritation. To live feelings – a natural process. Learning to correctly recognize emotions and effectively manage them, you can bring relationships with loved ones to a new qualitative level.

Maria Romanova

Psychologist of personal and family counseling, member of the Russian Psychological Society

Everyone to a greater or lesser degree experiences a vivid emotion – anger. It arises as a result of out of control situations, personal problems, fatigue, insecurity, unpleasant memories and even because of the behavior of loved ones. Personal failures and the collapse of plans can also trigger negative feelings. Experiencing anger is normal and not shameful for a person. Try to give him an outlet, but so that it does not harm neither you nor others.

Each of us can learn to work with anger, bringing back calmness and clarity of thought. How do you balance yourself when there is a fire inside and steam is coming out of your ears like a polar express tube?


The easiest and fastest way to calm down. The brain is not good at shutting off strong emotions immediately. Help it pause with breathing exercises. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Breathe with your belly. Steady breathing allows you to get rid of unpleasant emotions and tune in to a calm, relaxed state.

How to deal with anger and aggression

How to deal with anger and aggression


A natural biological mechanism will allow you to discharge negative emotions and reduce tension. You can scream in the car or at home, into a pillow. If the environment allows, do it loudly, at the top of your voice. Try yelling to music. Be prepared that after yelling, the reaction may change to uncontrollable laughter.

Physical exertion

Beat the pillow with your fists, feet, tennis racket, bat – whatever you like. You can get yourself a special durable “pillow for beating”. If possible, spend five minutes on exercise or dance. Moderate exercise will help you get rid of stress, calm down and improve your mood.


Use the energy of aggression to your advantage. You can clean windows, take apart closets, or move furniture. When we move or do some physical activity, endorphins are released. They help us calm down. This is another way to manage anger.

Analyze emotions by writing them down

It is helpful to express anger on paper or in a computer file. Try writing a letter to the person who made you angry. You don’t have to focus on writing a coherent, beautiful text: write everything you think and feel. Then you can delete the file and tear up the paper letter.

Have you ever noticed that similar situations often make you angry? Start a diary and write down everything that caused your anger. Describe in detail: what exactly made you angry and what feelings you had at that moment.

It often happens that we ourselves provoke certain behavior of people towards us. Analyze your notes and reflect. Evaluating what is happening will help you find the reason for your anger and change your beliefs.

How to deal with anger and aggression

How to deal with anger and aggression

Talking directly about feelings

Don’t avoid uncomfortable conversations about your feelings. Talk about negative emotions and unspoken desires. Keeping silent can cause anger to flare up, even over a minor issue.

Close people, friends, colleagues may not realize that you lack their attention, you feel hurt and forgotten. Deciding to talk, do without accusations and criticism.

It is best to use “I-messages” – talk about your feelings in the first person.
Then you can calmly explain what hurt or angered you. Ask the person you are talking to to explain their position – perhaps together you can understand the situation and find a solution.

It is good for everyone to learn to control their emotions, especially anger. No matter how it is expressed, it can never become an excuse for inappropriate behavior. Remember: harming others – harm yourself.

To consolidate knowledge about the methods of realization of aggression can be found at the link. There the psychologist also tells us why we do not know how to express it.
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