“How you should not lose weight”: blogger lost 50 kg in 2 months

Now in the “instagram” of blogger Stas Ferbers you can see model photos with a perfect figure: six cubes of abs and a relief that would be the envy of many. But once he weighed over 100 kilograms. Stas told the difficult story of weight loss in his video on YouTube.

Computer and fast food

It all started in 2008, when Stas studied in the cadet corps. Then he became fascinated with online multiplayer games, and for many years it became his only interest. According to the blogger, he could spend 15-20 hours a day at the computer, even without sleeping for several days in a row.

As a result of sedentary lifestyle and improper diet – at that time he ate mostly fast food – by the age of 16, Stas weighed about 120 kg. But it didn’t bother him much.

No one called me fat, because I did not go out with anyone and did not socialize.

Turning point

However, gradually the situation began to change. The young man began to spend more time with his peers. And one day at a birthday party, his jaw was broken. We had to put special splints, and for a month Stas could eat only liquid food.

Soups and broths quickly bored him, so most of the time he did almost only water. As a result, by the time when the tires could be removed, the guy lost almost 30 kg and weighed about 90 kg. This result may seem amazing, but it is short-lived. If you lose weight by fasting – and Stas’s case was essentially just that, the body perceives the situation as a stress and then tries to regain the lost weight as soon as possible. Therefore, such a method is completely invalid.

The most correct and the only way to lose weight is to gradually improve your diet, gradually switch to proper nutrition and gradually increase physical activity.

I see the goal – do not see the obstacles

After such a sharp weight loss, Stas quickly returned the lost kilograms. By that time he had already finished school – it was time to think about the future. His parents decided to send him to a military university, but for this it was necessary to pass physical standards: running 3 km, pull-ups, etc. There was very little time for preparation – two months.

As Stas admits, he is an enthusiastic person. So he decided to resort to extreme measures: to practically refuse to eat, replacing the main food intake with water, and at the same time to engage in physical activity to prepare for passing the standards. After three weeks of such a “regime” he realized that if we leave everything as it is, the body will not last long. Although during this time the guy managed to lose 20 kg, it was impossible to continue at this pace.

Just at this time began to ripen watermelons, and Stas decided to replace all the food with this fruit. To call such a diet useful is also impossible, but at least he stopped fainting at trainings. As a result, the young man managed to get rid of another 30 kg.

How not to

Although Stas managed to achieve the original goal, he does not consider this result successful. Having lost weight from 120 kg to 70, he looked terrible: the skin acquired an unhealthy yellow color, no relief was out of the question, no muscles were also not observed. But even though it was not the most positive experience, it was the beginning of changes.

To achieve the shape that Stas has today, it took him about two years of hard training and proper balanced diet.

This is perhaps the most vivid example of how not to lose weight.

According to the blogger, he managed not to gain extra pounds again only because he started studying at a military university. There was no opportunity to eat a lot, but physical exertion – at least plenty.

Now Stas weighs 80 kg at a height of 185 cm. At this weight he feels quite comfortable, but he does not abandon training and continues to eat right.

Such extreme methods of weight loss not only do not give a long-term effect, but can also cause health problems. As the blogger himself admits, he was very lucky in this regard: such drastic changes could lead to injuries and serious illnesses. You should not chase after fast and “amazing” weight loss, the most correct and healthy way is to go slowly but surely to your goal.

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