Is it possible to lose weight just by exercising? Yes! An athlete tells you how to do it

Fyodor Koltun

boxing, kickboxing, Thai boxing trainer, fighter of “Our Cause” promotion

Today I will talk about the importance of morning exercise and share a few exercises that will help you lose weight.
It is scientifically proven that exercising on an empty stomach will not only help you lose weight, but will also give you a boost of energy and vigor for the whole day.

Exercise alone in the morning is not enough for effective weight loss. It is necessary, first of all, to observe the correct diet, to make a healthy and healthy diet, which will not prevent weight loss and fat burning. And also to observe the sleep regime. These two factors represent 80% of success for weight loss (70% is nutrition, 10% is recovery).

Now let’s move on to the exercises for morning exercise.

About why to do a warm-up after a workout, told in the link.

Jumping rope

Charging is best to start with cardio exercises to warm up and disperse blood from the heart throughout the body. You should jump at a comfortable pace for you for 4-7 minutes. This is enough time to warm up your muscles well. If you do not have a jump rope, you can do with ordinary jumps or light jogging on the spot.

Stretching your back muscles while lying down

Take a lying position on your back and start stretching your back smoothly by pulling your arms up behind your head and your legs forward in front of you. Then do a few twists to the side, and then do 5-10 straight leg curls behind your head, touching the floor. Do everything slowly and smoothly. Then pull the muscles of each of your legs in turn, and then warm up all the other parts of your body.


A classic exercise for training the gluteal and leg muscles. To do this, place your feet shoulder-width apart, tense your abdominal muscles, and keep your back straight. Perform squats at a relaxed pace so that the line of your knees does not go beyond the line of your toes. Perform 20-30 squats.


Also a classic exercise that strengthens arm and chest muscles well. To do this, lie down, place your feet and hands shoulder-width apart, tense your buttocks, and keep your whole body parallel to the floor. Perform 15-30 push-ups smoothly, fully extending the elbow joint. If push-ups in the classic version are difficult, you can do the exercise with the focus on your knees.


An excellent exercise for the legs, which does not require complex technical execution. Put your feet shoulder-width apart and take turns stepping forward so that the angle of your lunge is 90 degrees and your knee does not go beyond the tips of your toes. Do 15-20 such lunges for each leg.


Take a lying position, bend your legs at the knees and place them on the feet at shoulder width, pull your hands closer to your head also at shoulder width. Rise up on your legs and arms, bending your knee and elbow joints, stretching out on your toes, in this position try to stand for 30-60 seconds. You can also try rocking back and forth while standing in this position.

Pulling your knees up to your chest in a plank position

This is a great exercise for the abdominal muscles, back and hips. Standing in the plank, bend your arms at the elbow joints and place them on your forearms. Step your feet alternately to your elbows. First step with your left foot to your right arm, then with your right foot to your left arm, then with your right foot to your right arm and then with your left foot to your left arm. Such series should be performed from 7 to 10.


The final exercise of our morning exercise will be the classic plank. To do this, place your forearms and feet at shoulder width. Tense your buttocks and straighten your legs at the knee joint so that the heels look at the ceiling, keep your head parallel to the floor, face down. Keep the whole body in one line. In this position stand for a minute.

This article told the story of a girl who stood for a month in the plank every day.
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